
The 10th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage

June 17 - 19, 2019

The bi-annual Trondheim CCS Conference series - TCCS - is one of the leading scientific CCS technology Conferences. The objective is to bring forward, present and discuss current work undertaken within R&D institutions, universities and in industry. TCCS-10 an important meeting place … Read more


We are happy to announce the following sponsors for TCCS-10.

There is still opportunity to participate in our sponsor programme - see sponsor information.


On the TCCS-10 website we have published a preliminary programme including all sessions.

We are proud to present the following keynote lecturers at this year's conference:

Tuesday, 18th June
  • Myles Allen, Professor, Imperial College London, UK
  • Tim Dixon, General Manager, IEAGHG
  • Trude Sundset, CEO, Gassnova, Norway
  • Stephen Bull, Senior Vice President, Equinor, Norway
  • Oscar Graff, Director Carbon Capture and Storage, Aker Solutions, Norway
  • Mona J. Molnvik, Research Director, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway
Wednesday, 19th June
  • Niall Mac Dowell, Research Leader, Imperial College London, UK
  • Andrea Gruber, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway
  • James Dawson, Professor, NTNU, Norway
  • Katherine D. Romanak, Research Scientist, University of Texas at Austin, USA
  • SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award winner's lecture (to be announced)