
Latest news from HighEFF

The HighEFF delegation at the HTHP Symposium: Marco Bless, Master of Science; Petter Nekså, HighEFF Scientific Coordinator and Chief Scientist; Ole Marius Moen, Research Scientist; and Frida Sæther, Master of Science (all from SINTEF Energy Research).

High-Temperature Heat Pump Symposium

The 2024 edition of the High-Temperature Heat Pump Symposium gathered over 400 participants in Copenhagen, discussing the latest developments in the field of HTHPs and their role in the decarbonising industy. More and more manufacturers are entering the high-temperature market (+100°C).

HighEFF Scientific Coordinator Petter Nekså led a panel discussion entitled "Refrigerants – Which is the safer choice?", which outlined the pros and cons of natural refrigerants versus their synthetic fluorinated counterparts.

The event was organised by the Danish Technological Institute, DTU - Technical University of Denmark, SINTEF Energy Research, and the European Heat Pump Association.

Truls Gundersen

HighEFF short course on Industrial energy recovery

Save the date! NTNU professor Truls Gundersen will hold an industrial course on 19 March on the topic "Analysis and Design of Industrial Energy Recovery Systems". This one-day course (with lectures and voluntary assignments) will be arranged at Scandic Bakklandet from 08:30 to 16:00. Energy Efficiency is by many regarded to be the number one option to mitigate climate change. This course will provide you with a valuable toolbox to address this important topic and actually be able to do something about it. On a more detailed level, the course will discuss heat exchanger networks, integration of distillation columns, heat pumps and refrigeration cycles, all based on the so-called Pinch Concept, which has been regarded by many industrial leaders as the most important single result coming out of university research in the last 50 years. Other topics in the course are combined heat and power, work and heat integration, and a small part is left to suggest Exergy as a KPI for energy efficiency.

The topic is relevant for both industrial and research partners of HighEFF, and the course is also open for researchers and PhD students from outside the Centre. The course will be given in English. Please help us to spread the word within your own organisation - it's a great opportunity to build knowledge on an interesting and important topic. The course, including lunch and coffee breaks, is offered free of charge!

For more details about the course, please contact Truls Gundersen by email or by phone.

Info & registration

Left to right: Defense committee members William Green and Richard Braatz, PhD candidate Suzane Martins Cavalcanti and supervisor Paul Barton.

Congratulations Suzane Cavalcanti

HighEFF PhD Suzanne Cavalcanti defended her thesis successfully on 10 January at MIT.

«Nonsmooth Distillation Models Robust to Convergence Errors: Numerical Methods and Topological Aspects»
Description: There are a number of sudden changes in processing systems, such as phase changes, flow changes between laminar and turbulent flow, etc. When modeling and optimizing these behaviors, there are serious problems related to the fact that gradients are discontinuous. Professor Paul Barton’s group at MIT has been developing nonsmooth process models and mathematical tools to overcome these problems, and the thesis applies this methodology to the modeling and simulation of distillation columns. The thesis develops the numerical machinery required to overcome several types of numerical challenges in distillation simulation, including the drying out of trays during intermediate iterations.

REMA 1000 world-leading in use of natural refrigerants

Grocery chain and HighEFF partner REMA 1000 has made significant strides in energy efficiency through a collaborative effort with the Centre. The Norwegian chain now occupies a leading position worldwide in the use of natural refrigerants.

Grocery chain and HighEFF partner REMA 1000 has made significant strides in energy efficiency through a collaborative effort with the Centre. The Norwegian chain now occupies a leading position worldwide in the use of natural refrigerants.

By switching from traditional fluorinated gases (F-gases) to natural refrigerants, with help from NTNU and SINTEF through the HighEFF Centre, REMA 1000 reaps two significant benefits. On the one hand, the system as a whole is more energy-efficient, resulting in a drop in energy costs. On the other hand, natural refrigerants have a substantially lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) compared to their fluorinated counterparts. This means that they contribute much less to global warming when they leak into the environment. Such leaks happen when refrigeration systems get old or break down.

Documented in 95 stores, the use of CO₂ as a refrigerant has led to a remarkable 35% reduction in energy consumption for REMA 1000. This equates to an energy saving of around 18 GWh, comparable to the annual energy use of 1,200 households. Beyond the environmental benefits, this transition aligns seamlessly with REMA 1000’s business ethos of delivering products responsibly and maintaining cost-effectiveness.

Emilie Våge, Director of Sustainability at REMA 1000 Norway, explains: “Not only does this give us a huge environmental benefit, in being able to reduce our emissions; it also reduces our costs, which enables us to pass the savings down to our customers by giving them even lower prices.”

HighEFF co-hosting FME day during NTNU Energy Transition Week

As a part of the yearly NTNU Energy Transition Week HighEFF will co-host the FME day Wednesday 13 March, at the Scandic Lerkendal hotel in Trondheim. During this day, you will get an overview of some highlights and strategic perspectives from the ongoing FME centres, and have a chance to participate in discussions with partners of the centres. Session 1B from 10:30-12:00, entitled “Energy efficiency first”, is organised by HighEFF in collaboration with the centre “ZEN – Zero Emission Neighbourhoods”. More details about the programme for the FME day can be found via the link below.

The event is sponsored by the FME centres and as such there is no registration fee. Hope to see you there!

Info & registration

Mark your calendars: Energy efficiency conference and Final Consortium Meeting of HighEFF

  • The 2024 edition of our Energy efficiency conference will take place on 8 May, in Trondheim. The programme is still under development, so stay tuned for more information. Please note that this event will be held in Norwegian. Information about the 2023 edition can be found here: Energy efficiency: How to unlock 20 TWh of conflict-free energy
  • 2024 is our Centre's final year and the very last Consortium Meeting is planned for 29-30 May, also in Trondheim, this time at the Royal Garden Hotel (where we had the kick-off meeting back in 2017). Please save these dates!

HighEFF Contacts:

Centre Manager: Petter Røkke
Editorial: Line Rydså
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Kind regards
Petter E. Røkke, FME HighEFF Center Director

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