
# 6 2023

Dear HighEFF friends,

December is here and with it, the time to wish you all a happy Christmas.

During 2023, we have had several meetings and workshops, physical and online, where we had the opportunity to present and discuss progress, results and strategic issues. Relevant reports have been published and created a public debate around the topic of energy efficiency, such as the Norwegian Energy commission's (Energikommisjonen) advice to free 20 TWh/yr of energy through a massive implementation of measures for reduced energy consumption. This has also been followed up by the government's action plan for energy efficiency (Handlingsplan for energieffektivisering). We are glad to see the engagement from HighEFF's user partners in such processes, but also your support and input to HighEFF's strategic focus is very valuable and will increase the impact of our knowledge-based input to the public debate.

During 2023…
  • …we hosted our very first “Energy efficiency conference” 8 May with involvement from politicians and authorities as well as industry actors within and outside of the HighEFF consortium, with the emphasis on how we can utilize the 20 TWh/yr of surplus heat from Norwegian industry.
  • …we arranged the Annual Consortium Meeting 9 May presenting more detailed highlights from the research efforts of HighEFF.
  • …we established a spin-off company for the concept of thermal energy storage, Cartesian AS, building on knowledge developed under the HighEFF umbrella and in connection with other similar projects.
  • …HighEFF participated and hosted an event during Norwegian political event Arendalsuka. During Arendalsuka, HighEFF Centre Director Petter Røkke participated in the live recording of the podcast “Stormkast” together with Petter Stordalen and Per Valebrokk. Focus for this podcast was “the invisible energy”, i.e. the surplus heat.
  • …two new candidates have completed and defended their PhD; Knut Emil Ringstad and Vegar Andersen. Knut Emil has since then joined the company Hystar whereas Vegar has returned to Elkem as R&D manager.
  • ...the final call for Novel Emerging and Innovative Concepts (NEIC) was announced with a deadline for applications January 20, 2023. Six applications were received, of which three were funded:
    • PrintUp – Enhanced capability of natural refrigerant-based heat pumps and refrigeration units through innovative Additive Manufacturing.
    • Biochar – Biochar from Seaweed for Metal Production.
    • HighEFF EC – Reduction of CO2 emissions from industrial processes through integration of high-efficiency H2O/CO2 electrolysis.
  • ...six NEIC-projects are now operation, where researchers are granted funding to perform exciting research not already covered in HighEFF.
  • …a new heat exchanger concept has been developed in cooperation with SFI Metal production for more efficient heat recovery from aluminium production. The concept will be tested in real conditions at Alcoa's plant in Mosjøen…numerous results and findings from HighEFF have been presented and discussed during the bi-weekly webinars, every other Wednesday at 11:30.
...and these are just a few of the highlights from HighEFF during 2023.

In addition to this, an application for a follow-up of HighEFF was submitted 15 November to the Research Council of Norway. This initiative is named “cEFF – The Norwegian research centre for industrial energy EFFiciency”. The application gathered a total of 36 user partners confirming their support to the application along with a strong R&D and educational partnership. 21 applications for new FMEs were received by the Research Council and it is indicated that 6-10 centres will be granted funding. Response is expected in April-May 2024, so we will keep our fingers crossed until then!

A big “THANK YOU!!” to everyone that has contributed to the important research we are doing in HighEFF during 2023!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you again in 2024!

Kind regards,
Petter E. Røkke
FME HighEFF Center Director
Factory chimney and plume of off-gas.

Industrial off-gas: An untapped resource

Industrial off-gas can be a resource, but regulatory uncertainties are often in the way of fully leveraging it.
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Entrance to an exhibition hall with a banner announcing the European Heat Pump Summit

Navigating the Future: Highlights from the European Heat Pump Summit

Heat pump technology is on the march, with the European Heat Pump Summit revealing significant trends in refrigerant choices, the rise of smart AI-based controls for grid stabilisation, increased social and political recognition for decarbonisation, and breakthroughs in high-temperature pump efficiency.
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HighEFF's 2023 Cross-Sector Workshop: Shaping the future of industrial energy efficiency

Members of the HighEFF consortium gathered in Trondheim on 18 October for their annual Cross-Sector Workshop, united by their commitment to advancing energy efficiency in the industrial sector.
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HighEFF's Scientific Coordinator
at the UN Climate Summit - COP 28

HighEFF research was on the agenda at the UN Climate Summit COP28 in Dubai, where Centre partner SINTEF was represented. SINTEF Chief Scientist and HighEFF Scientific Coordinator Petter Nekså travelled to the Climate Summit to make the case for a swifter transition to sustainable cooling. The technology to achieve this is in place already now. Natural refrigerants are both more efficient and have less warming effect when they leak out. HighEFF's research area 2, Components, does some research on natural refrigerants. Read Petter Nekså's recommendations presented at the Climate Summit in the article below.

Woman in front of fridge at supermarket

COP28: Why we need to talk about sustainable cooling

The COP28 presidency in the UAE has highlighted sustainable cooling as a crucial issue.
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Photo: Jorge Beceiro, SINTEF

Thermal energy storage workshop

Thermal Energy Storage (TES) has received increasing attention through the HighEFF Centre period, both within and outside of HighEFF. Through the TES Gemini Centre, NTNU and SINTEF arranged a two-day hybrid workshop on TES bringing together over 100 industry experts and researchers within the field from both Norway and abroad. More than 20 industrial actors and research organizations and universities were represented, with topics ranging from industrial TES piloting to basic TES material research.

HighEFF Contacts:

Centre Manager: Petter Røkke
Editorial: Line Rydså
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Kind regards
Petter E. Røkke, FME HighEFF Center Director

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