
EU regulatory actions vital for scaling up offshore wind

The Centre on Regulation in Europe recently released a comprehensive report outlining how EU regulatory action can support the rapid scaling up of offshore wind energy in Europe.
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A claim has been circulating on social media platforms falsely asserting that the rotor blades from a wind turbine in Vasa, Finland weighed 2 tonnes less after 10 years of operation.
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Updates to the call for applications for Sørlige Nordsjø II and Utsira Nord

The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy announces changes to the call for applications to develop offshore wind in Sørlige Nordsjø II and Utsira Nord.
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Norwegian government to announce three new offshore wind areas in 2025

The Norwegian Government is setting set the wheels in motion for the announcement of three new offshore wind areas in 2025.
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Enova allocates 2 billion NOK for small-scale floating offshore wind projects

Norwegian state enterprise Enova has set aside 2 billion NOK to stimulate innovation in the small-scale floating offshore wind sector.
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A milestone for offshore wind: world’s largest offshore wind farm produces its first power

On 10 October, the first wind turbine at Dogger Bank started producing power.
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For NorthWind partners: Annual Innovation Forum 2023

Members of NorthWind partner organisations are cordially invited to participate in NorthWind's Annual Innovation Forum 2023. Get an overview of the Centre's progress, and get up to date with the latest industry developments. This year features a day of workshop highlighting how your organisation can contribute to our work through user cases.

Register now

(NorthWind partner organisations only)

Attention wind power scientists

You have a week left to submit your abstract to participate in the 2024 edition of the EERA DeepWind offshore wind R&I conference, which will take place in Trondheim 17-19 January. The deadline is 1 November so don't delay!

Submit your abstract


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