
NCCS Newsletter April 2024

NCCS 2023 Annual Report

NCCS' annual report for 2023 has been published! Find out all about our achievements, developments and updates from the previous year.

Read the full report on the NCCS website

Behind the scenes of our research facilities

Go behind the scenes of some of the research facilities used in NCCS, and find out how the work conducted here contributes to achieving the Centre’s goals.

View all videos on the NCCS website

Norway signs agreement on CO2 transport and storage with Sweden, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands

On 15 April, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in Brussels between representatives of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands on cross-border CO2 transport and storage. The MoU was part of an informal EU energy ministers’ meeting on energy infrastructure.

Read the full story on the NCCS website

New Research Centre Announced Dedicated to the Realisation of Gigatonne CCS

On 11 April, the Research Council of Norway announced an investment of 180 MNOK in a new research centre on carbon capture, transport and storage (CCS) in Norway. gigaCCS is a Centre for Environment-Friendly Energy Research (FME) that will advance Norway’s expertise in CCS, as well as support the global implementation of CCS at a gigatonne scale.

Read the full story on the NCCS website

NCCS teams up with hydrogen research centres for first FME Conference

NCCS played on active role in the NTNU Energy Transition Week, hosting a joint session with hydrogen research centres HYDROGENi and HyValue, running two workshops and speaking at the event’s main conference.

Read the full story on the NCCS website

Norwegian Ministry of Energy open for applications for two CO₂ storage areas on the Norwegian continental shelf

The Norwegian Ministry of Energy is now receiving applications for CO2 injection and storage operations in two areas on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS).

Read the full story on the NCCS website

The significance of CCS in achieving net-zero emissions

Decreasing CO2 emissions target.
This blog goes back to basics on our net-zero ambitions and why they matter, and breaks down the essential role that CCS and CDR have to play in reaching them.

Read the full story on the SINTEF blog

NCCS Lunch Webinars

NCCS webinars are held on the second and fourth Thursday of every month, from 12:00 to 12:40. They consist of a 20-minute presentation, followed by a 20-minute Q&A session.

You can find the programme for this year’s webinars on the website, which will be updated continuously. Please note that presentations will be recorded, but the Q&A sessions will not be.

Read the full story on the NCCS website
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