
NCCS Newsletter December 2023

Dear NCCS partners,

Momentum for the CCS community remains high and activity within CCS is continuing to grow in Europe and beyond. The work carried out in NCCS is a vital in reaching our collective goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.

2023 saw the addition of two new competence building projects (KSP) to our already impressive research portfolio. RecyclShale and CHARISMA will focus on (i) sharing and recycling shale mechanical data to enable gigatonne CO2 storage and the characterisation and (ii) 4D imaging of near-well CO2 flow in fractures and microannuli respectively. Through these two projects, we have gained one new associated industry partner, ExxonMobil, and four new international universities/organisations, Colorado School of Mines (USA), University of Pittsburgh (USA), Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (Switzerland), and Swisstopo (Switzerland).

The three spin-in KSP projects awarded to NCCS in 2022: ADVENCSS, CO2FFER and PREFERENCE, which will focus on decarbonising the ferroalloy industry, direct injection of CO2 from ships, and fiscal metering technologies for CO2 transport, respectively, are all off to a good start, with recruitment ongoing for PhDs/postdocs for these projects.

To build on the already popular NCCS webinar series, the format has been changed to a rolling, fortnightly series of ‘lunch and learn’ style webinars, featuring a broad range of presentations, from industry, project management and researchers. The six webinars carried out in 2023 attracted over 250 participants. The webinar series paused in November to allow for our annual NCCS Consortium Days event, which hosted 100 in-person attendees, and featured 38 presentations, 10 posters and a panel debate.

This year, NCCS continued the success of its mobility programme, which is designed to be a catalyst for innovation, networking, knowledge sharing, and dissemination. Three applications were awarded, which facilitated visiting researchers from Norway to the University of Adelaide, South Australia, Carbon Management Canada and Y-TEC Research Centre, Argentina.

Last but not least, NCCS continued to advocate for CCS in political arenas. The Centre participated in three events at Arendalsuka, and has been represented at the EU’s CCUS Forum, The GreenShift CCUS Summit and COP28, where the Centre Director Mona Mølnvik presented SINTEF’s policy brief to the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Espen Bart Eide.

We want to thank everyone working in NCCS for your personal engagement and valuable contributions to the success of both NCCS and global CCS deployment. Whether you’re from industry, research or otherwise: thank you for your hard work and contribution to NCCS.

We would also like to express our particular gratitude to the Research Council of Norway for being a constructive funding partner.

Thank you all for a great year in NCCS!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

On behalf of the NCCS Operation Centre,
Mona Mølnvik
NCCS Centre Director
Nicola Marsh
NCCS Centre Manager

NCCS Consortium Days 2023: “Be Bold”

On 8 and 9 November 2023, the NCCS consortium gathered at the Britannia in Trondheim for its annual consortium days meeting. The two days featured 38 presentations, 10 posters and 1 panel debate. Session topics included risk reduction, cost reduction, upscaling, and CCS value chains and market development.

Read the full story on the NCCS website

Timely international conference on CCUS-CDR law

Catherine Banet was chairing last week's conference on CCUS-CDR law on behalf of the University of Oslo.

The University of Oslo researches several aspects of CCUS and CDR as part of NCCS, as well as associated projects NCS C+, Device and CCNS. The conference aimed to provide a platform for discussion and knowledge sharing on various subtopics within the field of CCUS, CDR and the law.

Read the full story on the UiO website

Rock mechanical data from Eos well released on CO₂ DataShare

As part of the rock core characterization program for the 31/5-7 Eos well, an extensive suite of rock mechanical tests were carried out, and the resulting dataset is now publicly accessible via the CO2 DataShare online portal!

The results of these tests provide valuable information for ongoing efforts of engineers and researchers to model North Sea reservoir behaviour in response to planned CO2 injection.

Read the full story on the NCCS website

“How can we cut our CO₂ emissions?”: NCCS at Researchers’ Night 2023

On 29 September 2023, Ingrid Snustad (SINTEF Energy Research) represented NCCS at Researchers’ Night 2023 by giving a 20-minute talk on CO2 capture and storage (CCS) to a room full of students and their teachers.

Researchers’ Night is an annual event hosted by NCCS partner, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Students aged 17 to 20 and their teachers are invited to the campus for an evening of science activities, lab visits and talks. This year, over 1,000 students and teachers took part.

Read the full story on the NCCS website

Five Recommendations to Accelerate Carbon Capture in Europe

On 21 September 2023, SINTEF, NRW.Energy4Climate, Innovation Norway and the Norwegian embassies to Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark hosted the GreenShift CCUS Summit in Dusseldorf, Germany.

The Summit united representatives from industry, government, civil society, and research, spanning the entire carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) value chain. The subsequent discussions yielded five key recommendations for accelerating the large-scale deployment of CCUS technologies in Europe, which were signed by representatives from various attending research institutes and industry actors.

Read the full story on the NCCS website

COP28: How CCS can contribute to net-zero emissions

Carbon capture, transport and storage (CCS) is a crucial technological solution for reducing CO2 emissions and achieving the climate goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. It can play a significant role in decarbonising industrial sectors, and producing "clean" hydrogen. However, we still need standards and infrastructure for the large-scale CO2 transport and storage.

Read the full story on the SINTEF blog

The finalisation of a clear incentive for CCUS in Europe just arrived – why did it take so long and what can emerging emissions trading systems learn?

Wooden Gavel With Golden Scale On Table
Recent amendments to EU emissions trading system clearly incentivizes permanently stored CO2 as an abatement option for regulated emitters. However, it has taken almost 20 years for these amendments to be put into place.

Heidi Sydnes Egeland, PhD Student at UiO, connected to the CO2 value chain and legal aspects task (Task 1) of NCCS explains why it took so long to arrive at this seemingly obvious conclusion, and what we can learn from this experience in the future.

Read the full story on the SINTEF blog

NCCS PhD student successfully defends thesis

On Friday 20 October 2023, NCCS PhD student Peter Betlem successfully defended his PhD thesis: "De-risking top seal integrity - Imaging heterogeneity across shale-dominated cap rock sequences".

Peter was associated with NCCS through the Structural derisking task (Task 9). He was supervised by Associate Prof. Kim Senger (UNIS), and co-supervised by Task 9 Leader Elin Skurtveit (NGI/UiO), Alvar Braathen (UiO), Joonsang Park (NGI), Isabelle Lecomte (UiB) and Kei Ogata (UNINA).

A massive congratulations to Peter!

Read Peter's thesis in full on the UiO:DUO archive

NCCS paper featured on the International Journal of Multiphase Flow's list of most downloaded articles in the last 90 days

We're incredibly happy to see the paper: "Experiments and modelling of choked flow of CO2 in orifices and nozzles" featured on the International Journal of Multiphase Flow's list of most downloaded articles in the last 90 days!

The article was written by Morten Hammer, Han Deng, Anders Austegard, Alexandra Log and Task 7 Lead Svend Tollak Munkejord. The work was carried out in NCCS, funded by industry and Norges forskningsråd.

Last year, we published a blog post based on this scientific paper, entitled "Why is understanding choked flow crucial for CO₂ capture, transport and storage?".

Read the full blog post on the SINTEF blog

NCCS Lunch Webinars

NCCS webinars are held on the second and fourth Thursday of every month, from 12:00 to 12:40. They consist of a 20-minute presentation, followed by a 20-minute Q&A session.

The final webinar for 2023 will be held on 14 December by Dr. Roland Span as an extended webinar (from 12:00 to 13:00). The webinar will highlight selected activities which, over more than three decades, have contributed to the well-established connections between the thermodynamic research groups at NTNU, SINTEF and RUB.

You can find the programme for this year’s webinars on the website, which will be updated continuously. Please note that presentations will be recorded, but the Q&A sessions will not be.

Read the full story on the NCCS website
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