
# 5 2023

Since summer vacation the administration has been active in communicating our message on the energy efficiency potential in Norwegian industry, particularly the surplus heat not being utilised today.

HighEFF at Arendalsuka

HighEFF hosted an event at this year's Arendalsuka political gathering on 15 August. This included participation from our partner ERAMET (Marit Kittilsen) and NVE (Maren Aschehoug Esmark), as well as five politicians debating the possible measures that can be taken.

Read more about this event on the HighEFF website: HighEFF at Arendalsuka

HighEFF on the Stormkast podcast

Centre director Petter Røkke participated in a live recording of the podcast Stormkast with Per Erik Valebrokk and Petter Stordalen during Arendalsuka. This was hosted by Hafslund Oslo Celsio and other participants in the podcast were Statnett's CEO Hilde Tonne and Hafslund Oslo Celsio's CEO Knut Inderhaug. The theme of the event was how to utilise the “Invisible energy”, whereas the heading for the podcast was “The sewer that heats”.

Read more and listen to the podcast on the HighEFF website (the episode is in Norwegian): HighEFF on the Stormkast podcast

HighEFF on the Handlevogna podcast

Petter was also interviewed by Handlevogna podcast host Bendik Solum Wist. He emphasised the potential for energy savings in supermarkets, for instance by using environmental friendly refrigerants such as CO2.

Listen to the podcast on the HighEFF website (the episode is in Norwegian): HighEFF on the Handlevogna podcast

Industrikonferansen 2023

On 20 September, Petter Røkke gave a presentation at the annual “Industrikonferansen 2023” in Bodø with the title “Slik vil industrien frigjøre 20 TWh konfliktfri energi” (This is how the industry will free 20 TWh of conflict-free energy). The conference gathered about 200 participants from industry, public authorities and politics.

10 year anniversary for our partner at Nord University, the Centre for Industrial business development

(SIF – Senter for Industriell Forretningsutvikling).

The 10th anniversary of SIF was celebrated on 5 September with an event at Campus Helgeland. Professor Marianne Steinmo and professor Roger Sørheim opened the event by sharing the history of the Centre, including important milestones such as the first PhD and the participation in FME HighEFF as a research partner. We are proud of our collaboration with SIF and of their contribution to HighEFF.

Have a look at their website (in Norwegian) for more information
and a short video summarising the event
Looking ahead: "During the next ten years, we will continue to be rebellious, developing industry-oriented knowledge in and for the business community," says centre leader Marianne Steinmo. Photo: Sebastian Loraas.

RA/WP-leader meeting (13 September, Trondheim)

Twice a year, HighEFF invites all Research Area and Work Package leaders to a half-day workshop. Even if the Centre is in its final year, we find that this meeting place is as important as ever to get to know both people and topics across the Centre.

This autumn, HighEFF has seen big changes to the WP leader group, and the focus of the workshop was on highlighting new or interesting cases in the various work packages. This was well received among both veterans and newcomers.

Cross-Sector Workshop reminder & registration
(18 October)

Each autumn, HighEFF partners meet to get updated on the latest Centre activities and to start planning the upcoming year.

This year, we invite all HighEFF partners to Trondheim Wednesday 18 October for Centre updates and networking.

Since the current work plans already covers the remaining period of HighEFF, we will use the Cross-Sector Workshop 2023 to present and discuss results from the ongoing research. Details will be posted on the HighEFF webpage and sent in a separate meeting invitation.
A group of people participating in a workshop.

HighEFF workshop – How to get from knowledge building on surplus heat recovery to practical and attractive demonstrators?

How can we reach a point where industrial surplus heat is fully utilised?
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Increasing the pace of decarbonisation
with industrial flexibility

Imagine yourself sitting in your car, driving to work in the rush traffic. Around you, you can see a lot of buses, some are full, some are half full, and half of the buses are nearly empty.
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HighEFF Contacts:

Centre Manager: Petter Røkke
Editorial: Line Rydså
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Kind regards
Petter E. Røkke, FME HighEFF Center Director

HighEFF Website

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