
LowEmission Newsletter - October 2023

Explore LowEmissions new website

Welcome to LowEmissions new website! During the summer, we have been working on LowEmissions new website - and we hope you enjoy it! Visit the new website here.

LowEmission at Arendalsuka 2023

LowEmission participated at several events during Arendalsuka 2023. LowEmission also hosted a event called "Hvordan kutte utslipp på norsk sokkel i en strømpriskrise?» (How to reduce emissions on the Norwegian Continental Shelf in an electricity price crisis). The event was hosted in collaboration with Offshore Norge, SINTEF Energi, FME NorthWind, FME HYDROGENi and FME NCCS. The event served as a platform for in-depht discussions on emission reduction strategies on the NCS, bringing together experts, researchers, and policymakers to explore sustainable alternatives. LowEmission recieved significant visability at Arendalsuka, and Centre director Stefania Gardardsdottir participated at several events.

The Key to Cable Longevity: Understanding water treeing in power cables

LowEmission PhD candidate Amar Abideen has written a blog article on water treeing in power cables. Understanding the aging process in power cables is crucial for the electrification of the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). In LowEmission there are many undergoing research tasks on reducing the cost of electrification (SP3). Understanding the longevity of power cables is essential to support increased electrification efforts, as it allows for a stable and efficient supply of electricity to offshore facilities. Water treeing is a major aging mechanism in power cables. While progress has been made in understanding water tree growth, the initiation mechanism remains uncertain. Improved insights are crucial for developing efficient cables and supporting electrification on the NCS.

Powering the Future: Integrating Offshore Wind Energy on Oil and Gas Installations

LowEmission PhD candidate Leila Eyni has written a blog article on integrating offshore wind energy on oil and gas installations. With the rapid development of offshore wind technology in Norway, is it feasible to use wind energy exclusively to supply power to offshore oil and gas installations?

LowEmission Consortium Days 25.-26. October

Welcome to LowEmission Consortium Days 25.-26. October at Quality Hotel Prinsen in Trondheim. The Annual LowEmission Consortium Days is open for all partners in LowEmission and its associated agencies.

LowEmission featured in report on the role of oil and gas expertise in achieving our climate goals

LowEmission has been featured in the latest status report from KonKraft, highlighting the crucial role that the oil and gas industry’s expertise and technological capabilities play in achieving the climate goals. The report confirms that it is still possible to achieve our target of a 50% reduction in emissions on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS).

Read the full story on the LowEmission website

Centre Activities

Kickoff for LowEmission Spin-Offs LowEmission has contributed to the lauch of several spin-off projects, solving specific challenges for the industry. LowEmission spin-off DECAMMP, decomposed ammonia for carbon-free power generation, started 1. September, and SeaConnect, high voltage subsea connections for resilient renewable offshore grids, started 1. July. Hy4GET, large-scale offshore hydrogen storage for green energy transition, started 1. August.

ZeroLog, Towards sustainable zero-emission offshore logistics, a LowEmission spin-off knowledge-building project, has been awarded support by the Norwegian Research Council. The project will run over three years with a total budget of 12 million NOK. The project aims to strengthen the petroleum industry in the transition towards sustainable zero-emission offshore logistics by 2050 by offering a framework for integrated analyses of zero-emission systems, energy-saving technologies and designs as well as energy-efficient fleet operations. The project team includes all operator companies within the centre along with researchers from SINTEF, NTNU and NHH.

SafeAm, increased safety of ammonia handling for maritime operations, has been awarded support by the Norwegian Research Council. The project will run over four years (2023-2027) with a total budget of 17.5 million NOK. The project aims at accelerating the implementation of new value chains for ammonia as a zero-emission fuel and energy carrier by improving safety systems design and procedures for handling of liquid ammonia spills on and into water. The team includes all operator companies within the LowEmission centre along with Wartsila and Yara Clean Ammonia. Researchers from SINTEF, NTNU, USN and the University of Bologna will be involved in SafeAm.

Research and results from the sub projects
Researchers under SP9 Other Emissions are starting on a case study to model and document effects of energy-saving measures with quick implementability for the existing platform supply vessel fleet. The study will be based on a large dataset of in-service ship data. It will include sensitivity studies between design and in-service conditions related to trim, propeller and bow, and quantified and documented effects of chosen energy-saving devices.

Another case study has commenced under SP9 where a piloted drone will conduct the site-level measurements of methane at the Neptune Energy’s Gjøa platform. The study will conclude with a standard approach to quantify methane emissions, and a proposal to finalise development of the autonomous drone system.

In SP1 Efficiency enhancement of gas turbines, Kang Qiu presented a poster in the 33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) in June.
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Kind regards,
Stefania Gardarsdottir (LowEmission Centre Director)
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