Hi everyone,
Despite the disruption caused by the pandemic, we are fiercely proud of everything that was achieved within NCCS during 2020—and throughout the centre's four-year life so far. You can read about this and much, much more in the 2020 annual report, online or in PDF format.

The centre has also just received a positive review from the Norwegian Research Council in its midway evaluation, clearing the path for an exciting four years to come. We'll be taking this momentum into the Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS-11), which this year will be held online to maximise participation from around the world.

Thanks for reading,
Amy Brunsvold, NCCS Centre Manager

NCCS Annual Report 2020

Despite the investment announcement, the implementation of full-scale CCS at the pace required to meet the 2050 climate goals still needs research to scale up and bring cost and risk down. With a stated goal of enabling fast-track CCS deployment, NCCS is naturally aligned with the requirements of Longship.
NCCS-annual report

TCCS-11: Registration Now Open

June 22-23: TCCS is a globally leading scientific CCS technology conference, and an essential meeting place for over 400 CCS experts and world leading speakers. TCCS is the place to be for discussing CCS within R&D institutions, universities and industry. This year's event will be held fully online.
TCCS-11 website

CCShip: Cutting CO2 Emissions from Shipping

A new NCCS spin-off project: a pioneering new carbon capture and storage project to enable maritime CO2 emission mitigation. ... Read more
Low emission shipping technology

Incentivising Carbon Capture and Storage under the Emission Trading System
- Accommodating Mobile CO2 Transport

This blog post summarizes the topic and findings of research conducted as part of the NCCS research consortium by Heidi Sydnes Egeland, now published in MarIus, issue number 537. Heidi is a PhD candidate part of the Norwegian CCS Research Centre, situated at the Nordic Institute of Maritime Law, University of Oslo. …Read more
European map for emissions trading
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Thank you for reading our newsletters.
Amy Brunsvold, NCCS Centre Manager
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