Glen Peters, Senior Researcher, CICERO Center for International Climate Research
Dr. Glen Peters has been a Senior Researcher at CICERO for more than eight years. Previously he was a post-doctoral researcher at the Industrial Ecology Programme at NTNU. Dr. Peters is a worldwide authority on socio-economic drivers of greenhouse emissions, both past and future. He has performed pioneering work on how international trade intricately connects emission drivers in different countries, twice received the Environmental Science & Technology Best Policy Paper Award (2007, 2009). In the last five years, research has focused on decomposing trends in carbon emissions, socio-economic drivers of change, and future emission pathways at the global and country level (particularly China and India). Increasingly, his research is on future emission pathways. He has developed a methodology to track progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement, and is investigating methods to assess the feasibility of emission pathways consistent with low temperature targets. Other key research areas include emission metrics and the global carbon cycle. Dr. Peters is on the Scientific Steering Committee of the Global Carbon Project.