In our newsletter from NOWITECH we present news and events. On top you will see our english posts, on the bottom norwegian posts.

EERA DeepWind'16

We are pleased to announce EERA DeepWind'2016, 13th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 20 – 22 January 2016. Organized by the research parties in NOWITECH in cooperation with the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) joint programme on wind energy and NORCOWE, this international event aims at presenting the best on-going R&D on deep sea offshore wind farms, both …

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The award winners

The NOWITECH Innovation Day set focus on innovations in offshore wind technology presenting for the first time the NOWITECH Innovation Award. The purpose is to stimulate and reward knowledge-based innovation and/or entrepreneurship within the field of offshore wind energy, and help identify ideas with commercial potential. NOWITECH has innovations for reducing cost of energy from offshore wind as a key …

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Test of voltage fault on wind turbine on Valsneset

This winter NOWITECH conducted a controlled field experiment of voltage dips affecting a 2.5 MW Enercon wind turbine at Valsneset, using the DipLab facility. Wind speeds around 15 m/s ensured that the wind turbine was operating close to rated power. A number of voltage dips were imposed using the mobile test facility without significantly affecting the rest of the grid, and detailed electrical measurements were made and stored for later analysis. This experiment was a follow-up of a previous test in March 2014 in low wind conditions.

The Enercon turbine has a full converter interface to the grid and is able to operate through such voltage faults, something this experiment confirmed. Although this was as expected, the detailed measurements, both on the electrical and mechanical sides are important for validation of simulation models. This is an on-going research activity that will continue in the summer and autumn of 2015.

Contact: Harald Svendsen


Example of voltage dip current and voltage measurements


Many new PhDs from NOWITECH

The following has completed their PhD work in NOWITECH the first half year of 2015.

Kai Wang (14-04-2015)
Kai Wang has defended his thesis named : Modelling and Dynamic Analysis of a Semi-Submersible Floating Vertical Axis Wind Turbine.

Main supervisor has been professor Torgeir Moan and assistant supervisor associate professor Martin Otto Laver Hansen, both Institute for Marine Technology.


Daniel Zwick (22-04-2015) Daniel Zwick has defended his thesis entitled:  Simulation and Optimization in Offshore Wind Turbine Structural Analysis.

The doctoral work has been carried out at the Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, NTNU. Associate Professor Michael Muskulus, Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, has been the candidate’s main supervisor.


Zhaoquing Zhang (26-05-2015) Zhaoqiang Zhang has defended his thesis entitled: Ironless Permanent Magnet Generators for Direct-Driven Offshore Wind Turbines.

Zhaoqiang Zhang carried out his PhD work at the Department of Electric Power Engineering, NTNU. His main supervisor has been Professor Robert Nilssen.


Knut Nordanger (29-05-2015) Knut Nordanger has defended his thesis entitled:  Two-dimensional simulation methods for offshore wind turbines

Knut Nordanger carried out his PhD work at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU. His main supervisor has been Professor Trond Kvamsdal.


Rene Alexander Barrera Cardenas (18-06-2015) has defended his thesis entitled:  Meta-parametrised meta-modelling approach for optimal design of Power electronics confersion systems - Application to offshore wind energy conversion systems

Rene Alexander Barrera Cardenas carried out his PhD work at the Department of Electric Power Engineering. His main supervisor has been Professor Marta Molinas.


Further PhD Dissertations in August 2015:

Several more PhD candidates will defend their work in the autumn of 2015; The following will have their dissertations in August 2015:

• Mostafa Valavi on Magnetic Forces and Vibration in Wind Power Generators (21st Aug)

• Amir Nejad on Dynamic Analysis and Design of Gearboxes in Offshore Wind Turbines in a Structural Reliability Perspective (27th Aug)

- See Nowitech Web News


International Collaboration for Floating Wind Innovation

A major international collaborative project involving 12 partners from eight countries and worth €7.3 million is set to drive forward development of the next generation of floating wind substructures.

The European Horizon2020-funded programme LIFES50+, led by Norway’s MARINTEK (and involving Politechnico de Milano, DTU, Ramboll, ORE Catapult, Universität Stuttgart, Iberdrola I&C, Ideol, DNV GL, Tecnalia, Insitut de Recerca en Energia Catalunya and Dr.Techn. Olav Olsen), will run for 40 months and will focus on proving the innovative technology that is being developed for floating substructures for 10MW wind turbines at water depths greater than 50m.

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Prof. Dr. Hans-Gerd Busmann, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy Systems Technology IWES with John Olav Tande (left) and Thomas Welte, both from SINTEF Energy Research (SINTEF Energi).

Prof. Dr. Hans-Gerd Busmann from Fraunhofer has held a residency for three months at NOWITECH, where he has been collaborating with John Olav Tande and Thomas Welte.

- The most important advice I could offer to Norwegian wind power enthusiasts would be that all the consequences for the entire energy system must be studied before large wind farms are erected. By doing so, you will eliminate delays and added costs that we experienced as a fresh ‘green energy nation,’ says a German wind power professor.

The experienced German wind power expert Hans-Gerd Busman has completed a three-month guest stay with SINTEF Energy Research. The backdrop to his visit is the heavy investments made by Norway in knowledge and technology development for offshore wind power - largely through the NOWITECH and NORCOWE research centres for environmentally friendly energy.

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I varmt vær og på taket foran den eksperimentelle sol- og vindparken på FREA finner vi fra venstre Jon Are Suul, NTNU; Olav B Fosso, NTNU; Giuseppe Guidi; SINTEF, Petter Nekså, SINTEF; William Christensen, OED; Steffen Møller-Holst, SINTEF og Yoshiro Owadano, Director-General FREA

Norway-Japan Energy Science Week gikk av stabelen i Tokyo siste uka i mai og representanter for forskningsinstitusjoner, myndigheter og universiteter fra hele Norge var representert. Målet med Energy Science Week var å utforske måter å øke samarbeidet mellom Norge og Japan innen FoU, høyere utdanning og i næringslivet/industrien.

På timeplanen var møter med japanske forskningsmyndigheter, konferanser, mottakelser, befaringer og bilaterale møter. Arrangementet var planlagt i et tett samarbeid mellom Norges Forskningsråd, Innovasjon Norge, Den norske ambassaden i Tokyo og de norske forskningsmiljøene. SINTEF var sterkt involvert og hadde ansvaret for flere sesjoner.

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En av utfordringene i dag er at tunge komponenter, slik som transformatorer, må løftes opp i toppen av turbintårnet under bygging, og senere vedlikeholdes der oppe. Transformatorene har ofte begrenset effekt fordi de utvikler mye varme. Vår idé er å blande inn nanopartikler i transformatoroljen, som bedrer kjølingen og dermed gjør transformatorene mindre, lettere og mer pålitelige. Dette kan gjøre vindturbiner både billigere å bygge og vedlikeholde. (Illustrasjonsbilde: Oxygen)

- Hvis huset ditt brenner, kan ikke brannfolk krangle om de skal slukke med vann, pulver, vanntåke eller halon. Alle slukkemidler trengs. Det samme gjelder for klimaet, skriver John Olav Tande og Nils Røkke i SINTEF i en kronikk i Adressa 17.06.2015.

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electric cars charging, Photo: shutterstock

Denne kronikken var først på trykk i Dagens Næringsliv 11.06.2015 Massiv overgang til elbiler vil være en gavepakke for et kraft-Norge som åpenbart sliter med å finne vindkraftkunder. Paradoksalt nok ble nyheten om Statkrafts nei til midt-norske vindparker sluppet i ei uke som var full av støy rundt Norges elbil-satsing. Tradisjonelt har mange tenkt at vindturbinene må være på plass …

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Related news:

Norsk klimastiftelse

Olav Bjarte Fosso, styreleder i NOWITECH og instituttleder ved NTNU har blitt valgt til ny rådsleder for norsk Klimastiftelse.

Tidligere NTNU student, nå PhD student Kasper Sandal ved DTU har skrevet om offshore vind mulighetene til Norge - se side 37.

48 norske forskningsinstitutter mottar statlig basisfinansiering. SINTEF Energi AS er et av disse instituttene. Basisfinansieringen brukes til aktiviteter som bidrar til langsiktig kunnskapsutvikling og er med på å utvikle fremtidens forskningsområder. Her er et eksempel på et prosjekt som er finansiert gjennom basisfinansieringen: NanoHX

Bloggere: Eskil Aursand, Magnus Aashammer Gjennestad, Karl Yngve Lervåg, Halvor Lund

Vi på SINTEF Energi jobber for tida med et konsept der vi vil bedre kjøling av transformatorer ved hjelp av magnetiske nanopartikler.

Hvorfor det?

Jo, dette kan gjøre blant annet offshore vindmøller og subseafabrikker rimeligere å bygge, mer robuste og enklere å vedlikeholde.

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More information on NOWITECH and activities?

• NOWITECH annual report 2014

• Nowitech on SINTEF Energy Blog

• Industry meets Science seminar series


• Centre Director John Olav Giæver Tande, SINTEF Energy Research

• Centre Manager Hans Christian Bolstad, SINTEF Energy Research

All NOWITECH Newsletters