
Highlights # 4 December 2017

Dear HighEFF friends,
We are approaching Christmas and end of 2017.

2017 has been the first year of "real operation" for FME HighEFF and I am glad to see all the results being presented and delivered from the centre. In the last board meeting of 2017, 5th December, the board also approved the plans for 2018, plans that have been developed in close dialogue with user partners of the centre, both during the cross-sector workshop 25th-26th October and through bilateral meetings and discussions. The plans for 2018 can be found on the project eRoom.

I would like to mention two issues that will be addressed early 2018;
  1. The involvement of in-kind contributions from user partners. User partners will be contacted early January 2018 for your input, ensuring close collaboration also on the technical tasks of FME HighEFF.
  2. Within work package 5.2 (WP5.2), "Novel emerging concepts", an internal call will be launched to initiate activities on concepts, ideas or activities that are particularly novel – so-called "blue sky research". This will be a call open for partners of FME HighEFF where some funding is available for R&D partners and where user partners may allocate in-kind contributions to strengthen potential impact of the work. More details of the call will be distributed separately early 2018.
In 2018 we will host two workshops for the FME HighEFF – please reserve the dates;
  • 2nd-3rd May 2018: Annual consortium meeting, including General assembly
  • 24th-25th October 2018: Annual cross-sector workshop
I will use this occasion to thank you all for your contributions and effort in 2017 and I look forward to even closer collaboration in 2018.

On behalf of the FME HighEFF centre management I wish you all the best for Christmas and New year's celebration.

Kind regards
Petter E. Røkke
FME HighEFF Center manager

I was given two weeks to make a dairy plant more energy efficient

I was given two weeks to make a dairy plant more energy efficient
In the HighEFF project, the industry has been very eager that their case studies on their plant shall be performed as soon as possible, and results preferably delivered today .… Read more

Hva er suksesskriteriene for innovasjon?

En av forskningsoppgavene i RA5 Society, går ut på å belyse hva som er suksesskriteriene for innovasjon og kunnskap i et forskningssenter.

Universitetet i Nord er ansvarlig for arbeidet, og har i 2017 gjennomført intervju med forskningsledelsen i HighEFF, samt noen industripartnere. Per dags dato består datamaterialet av 16 intervju, hvor de svarte på spørsmål om forventninger, samarbeidsprosesser, innovasjonsaktivitet og ledelse. Industrien har også delt noen tanker om hvilket potensial de ser for innovasjon og planlagt involvering i senteret.

Arbeidet fortsetter i 2018 med flere nye dybdeintervju, og det forventes resultater som senterledelsen vil kunne bruke direkte inn i sitt arbeid for å optimalisere samarbeid på tvers og innovasjonspotensialet i senteret.

Cross-Sector Workshop 25 and 26 October

HighEFF's Cross-sector Workshop took place in Trondheim in October, bringing together scientists and industry partners to discuss next years working plans and industry involvement. A variety of industry presentation was also given during the event.

Energy storage is the “next big thing”

Energy storage is the “next big thing”
The future isn’t only about how we succeed in producing the cleanest energy possible, but also about achieving more efficient energy storage. “Energy storage can be the next big thing” was one of the enthusiastic slogans we heard … Read more

Åpner miljøvennlig kjølelab

Snorklipping under åpning av riggen.
Riggen SuperSmart-Rack er et resultat av godt samarbeid mellom NTNU, SINTEF og våre industripartnere Danfoss og Advansor. Den er nå offisielt åpnet, i Varmetekniske laboratorier på Gløshaugen. … Read more

HighEFF Contacts:

Centre Manager: Petter Røkke
Editorial: Ingrid Camilla Claussen
How to get informed
Our website is up and running. We will use the website to announce upcoming events and workshop, meetings and conferences, news and results. I hope you will find the website interesting and informative and that you will use it frequently.

HighEFF Website

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