Other news
BRISK: Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge
BRISK is a European platform formed by 26 research centers in 14 countries in order to exchange knowledge and infrastructure for helping the development of technologies for production of biofuels. Within the BRISK platform, SINTEF ER will collaborate with the SP Energy Technology Center in Sweden to experimentally compare the difference in gas composition and energy efficiency between two entrained flow gasifiers of different size operating at different thermal power but where all other conditions are the same (fuel, pressure, equivalence ratio, particle size, oxygen concentration on inlet etc.). This activity will support the scale-up analysis of the entrained flow gasification technology that will be undertaken within GAFT.
Nordic Aviation Biofuels study under preparation
SINTEF Energy is participating in a project financed by the Nordic Energy Research. The project title is "Perspectives on the use of advanced sustainable jet fuel for aviation" and is led by NIRAS in Denmark. The final report will be published in the middle of 2016. SINTEF Energy is contributing with it's expertize on the Norwegian conditions and as the Norwegian partner.
Activities in IEA task 33: Thermal gasification of biomass
The International Energy Agency (IEA) is an autonomous organization formed by 28 member countries which works to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy. IEA is at the heart of global dialogue on energy, providing reliable and unbiased research, statistics, analysis and recommendations. Representing Norway, SINTEF ER participates in the IEA Task 33, which aims to promote the development and commercialization of biomass thermal gasification technology. In 2015, the first task meeting was held in Ponferrada, Spain, 11-13 May, at CIUDEN facilities. The subject of the meeting was mainly preparations for the new triennium that lasts 2016-18. The meeting was held jointly with the Symposium on Renewable Energy and Products from Biomass and Waste. Site visit was also included. The second meeting was the last IEA meeting in the current triennium (2013-15) held together with the IEA Bioenergy conference 27-29 October. In the new triennium SINTEF ER aims at hosting an IEA Task33 meeting in Trondheim (Norway) jointly with a GAFT project workshop.