Dear Reader,
Most of us are back from summer holidays now and we are in the final stretches of 2019. The TCCS-10 conference and Mission Innovation workshop was a success and we thank all of you who attended and/or contributed to the events.

NCCS Consortium Days 2019 will be held 22-23 October in Trondheim. We are in the process of developing an exciting and thorough agenda with the theme "Results, Innovation, and Potential Value Creation". We look forward to seeing you all there – please register below.

As always, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all NCCS partners for invaluable efforts and engagement so far! We have experienced many successes, challenges, and improvements in 2019 and we look forward to continued cooperation with you all!
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Enjoy your reading!
Amy Brunsvold
NCCS Centre Manager

CO2-håndtering kommer:
Det er ikke dyrt med klimatiltak i dag

Heller enn å kjøpe oss ut av CO2-utslipp, bør vi omfavne det som er framtida – utslippsfrie løsninger. Er du en av dem som tror på klimaforandringer, eller tviler du? Ler du av ungdommens klimaopprør eller heier du ivrig? … Read more
CO2-håndtering kommer: Det er ikke dyrt med klimatiltak i dag

Professor Roland Span won the SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award 2019 at TCCS-10

Professor Roland Span of Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, received the prestigious SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award, honouring his extraordinary contributions and outstanding work in the field of carbon capture technologies. The award was presented during the gala dinner at the TCCS-10 Conference. …Read more
Nils A. Røkke, SINTEF, Roland Span, RUB and Johan Hustad NTNU Energy.

NCCS Consortium Day - 22-23 October, in Trondheim

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