NCCS Consortium days 2019
NCCS Consortium Days 2019 "Results, Innovation, and Potential Value Creation" is the theme of the 2019 NCCS Consortium Days. They will be held 22-23 October in Trondheim.
We are in the process of developing an exciting and thorough agenda which will be published here as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Multiphase CO2 flow: New numerical method and NCCS mobility program
While Capture and Storage are so close in the well-known alias “CCS”, large distances may separate the sites where they actually occur. How these distances are covered is an important focus of in the Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS). Because of the particular requirements, several efforts are currently devoted to the development of … Read more
Increasing CO2 storage safety through stochastic simulation of well cementing
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is widely accepted as one of the viable solutions to the greenhouse gas problem. An important part of CCS is underground storage of the captured CO2. In order for an underground reservoir to serve as a long-term CO2 repository, leakage of the stored gas must be prevented. … Read more
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Thank you for reading our newsletters. Amy Brunsvold, NCCS Centre Manager