# 5 - 2019
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FME HighEFF Center Director
2nd Conference on High Temperature Heat Pumps
The energy demand of the industry stands for around 1/3 of the world's climate gas emissions and for a successful decarbonization of this sector new technologies need to be phased in. Today's industry moves towards an electrified energy system based on wind, solar and other renewable sources, and more frequent recovery of industrial waste heat.
Utilizing these sources efficiently by implementing industrial high temperature heat pumps (HTHP) are highly attractive since it can replace fossil fuel based energy and enable the industry to operate with significantly reduced emission of climate gases. However, there are challenges connected with implementing heat pump technology, especially in high temperature applications like industrial processes and district heating. For example, there is a need for technical innovations to achieve lower specific investment costs and increased energy efficiency while maintaining technical feasibility and stable operation.
This conference on HTHP will address these challenges and show successful concepts and cases where heat pump technology was implemented.
HighEFF allocates funding for the second "Novel Emerging Concept"
The HighEFF NEC Committee agreed on nominating the NEC initiative "Design for additive manufacturing of novel heat exchangers", (HighEX) to be funded, which was approved by the HighEFF CMT meeting in June.
The project is coordinated by Trond Andresen and aims to solve specific technical problems connected to additive manufacturing of novel heat exchanger concepts. A novel design workflow to avoid thermal deformation and unintended rough surface finish will be tested and validated by manufacturing a few test samples using powder bed laser fusion technology.
If successful, the project may significantly contribute to new opportunities for optimal design and advanced technology integration in heat exchanger development.
The project will start up in June and end in April 2020.
Juejing Sheng, PhD
What are you researching?
The topic of my research project is “Exergy Analysis of Offshore Oil & Gas Processing Systems”. The main goal of this PhD research is to present consequence analysis, recommendations and criteria of resource-efficiency in design of oil and gas processes. The research includes development of procedure that can provide useful information regarding the irreversibility in each unit in the offshore oil and gas processing plant and evaluation of the potential energy efficient process devices (for instance ejectors and membranes for separation) from the thermodynamic point of view.
Who is involved in your research?
I am part of RA1- Methodologies, aiming to improve existing and develop new methodologies for improved energy efficiency in industrial plants. I am involved in WP1.3 Future process frameworks, with focus on offshore processes. The project is supervised by Professor Ivar S. Ertesvåg at the department of Energy and Process Engineering in NTNU and co-supervised by Mari Voldsund at SINTEF Energy Research. Case studies for the application of exergy analysis in offshore industry will be established by cooperation with industry partners in HighEFF.
Why is your research important?
Oil and gas extraction is an energy intensive activity and is the largest contributor to greenhouse gases emissions in Norway. Improving energy efficiency is one of the most effective ways of reducing greenhouse gases emissions. Thus, it is crucial to understand the sources of inefficiency and estimate the improvement potential in the system. The project is devoted to developing a procedure that can give deeper insight of thermodynamic inefficiency of the offshore oil and gas process. The results of the research can provide additional information useful for operational optimization which can potentially lead to the reduction of energy consumptions and greenhouse gases emissions.
Tell us about an interesting result.
We have analyzed an oil and gas processing on a North Sea platform by means of advanced exergy analysis. We used a modify procedure which was based on the method found in the literature. In the advanced exergy analysis, the exergy destruction of each unit was split into different parts that reveal the sources of inefficiencies and improvement potential of each unit. The results showed the proportion of exogenous exergy destruction differed considerably from unit to unit. A large amount of exergy destruction taking place in coolers were caused by the irreversibility in other units, while the exergy destruction of the compressors were attributed to their inherent irreversibility. The results also concluded that the compressors had largest saving potential. In addition, the improvement priorities suggested by such an analysis provide an effective way for improving the overall system.
Best paper award to HighEFF at the conference ESCAPE 2019
Congratulations to Cristina Zotica for the "Best paper award" during the ESCAPE conference held in Eindhoven June 2019 for her paper "Optimal operation and control of heat to power cycles; A new perspective using a Systematic Plantwide Control Approach". Co-authors were Sigurd Skogestad (NTNU), Lars Nord (NTNU) and Jenö Kovacs (OULU).
Three finalists were chosen for the Best paper award and Cristinas paper was chosen based on an evaluation of her oral presentation and response to questions.
NTNU and HighEFF has now won this award two consecutive years. During the conference in Graz in 2018 the award was won by Post.doc Haoshui Yu together with Matias Vikse and Truls Gundersen.
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