TCCS-10 – Jubilee with success
The tenth "Trondheim Conference" - The Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage – was staged June 17-19, 2019 in Trondheim. This year's conference drew 403 attendees from 23 countries, and presented 10 keynotes, 115 oral presentations in five parallel sessions and 116 poster presentations. Based on feedback from participants as well as own experiences we dear conclude that the conference was a success both for participants and for the hosts; SINTEF, NTNU and NCCS.
High-quality scientific presentations – both orals and posters – gave "food for thought" and were basis for discussions and reflections during the conference. It was especially stimulating to see that the poster session attracted a large and curious crowd this time, and that breaks were eagerly exploited for networking purposes.
Many new ideas were shared during the conference, and one of interest is how we communicate with the general public. Torund Bryhn argued that it is perhaps time to start using other another language, since "carbon capture and storage" is not reaching the public. She suggested that for instance "returning of CO2" could be more easily understood. She may very well have a valid point – read her #SINTEFblog and decide for yourself -
As organizers, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all attendees, speakers and poster presenters. Without you – no conference (of course)! We would also like to extend our appreciation to a dedicated staff of technical volunteers, who did an excellent job in ensuring that the visitors had a great time.
Professor Roland Span wins the SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award 2019
The SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award is given for outstanding achievements within the field of carbon capture, transport and storage (CCS). Achievements can be within the areas: scientific contributions and breakthroughs, novel schemes for CCS, increased knowledge and dissemination of CCS, and promotion and initiation of CCS for pilot, demo and full-scale projects. Provided worthy candidates are found, the award is given every second year in connection with the TCCS conference.
This year, Professor Roland Span of Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, received the prestigious award, honoring his extraordinary contributions and outstanding work in the field of carbon capture technologies. Professor Span was presented with the award at conference dinner of the 10th Trondheim CCS Conference in front of 400 CCS experts and global leaders in Trondheim.
From left: Nils A. Røkke, SINTEF, the Award winner Roland Span and Johan Hustad, NTNU.
Professor Span is recognized for his dedication and active commitment to CCS, especially international co-operation within the field of transport and thermophysical properties of CO2. He has worked tirelessly with lowering the costs and reducing the risks of large-scale deployment of CCS systems.
"Together, Professor Roland Span and his group, SINTEF and NTNU have produced unique data and knowledge for CO2 transport with impurities in national and international projects," says Nils Røkke, Chairman of the Board of the European Energy Research Alliance and Executive Vice President of Sustainability for SINTEF Energy, one of Europe’s largest independent research organisations.
The global CCS community nominated the candidates. The jury said that Professor Roland Span has excelled at all five criteria which were used to determine the winner. The SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award was based on the following criteria;
- The candidate shall have played a key role in the contribution or achievement
- The contribution of the candidate shall be of outstanding excellence and international acknowledgement according to the above areas
- Exhibiting a high degree of creativity
- Has promoted and increased the public understanding of CCS
- Has fostered international cooperation within CCS.
As the winner of the 2019 award, Professor Roland Span, received a cheque of NOK 50,000 accompanied by a designed plaque and diploma, both of which were signed by the CEO of SINTEF and the Rector of NTNU. Professor Roland Span will be re-invited to TCCS-11 in 2020 to present the same award to the next winner.
Best Poster Award
During the conference, a record number of 116 posters were presented in a dedicated poster session. New at this conference was a Best Poster Award. With the high-quality of a big number of posters, the selection committee, headed by Scientific Committee Chair, Hanna Knuutila, had a hard time to single out a winner.
After due considerations, however, it was decided that the Best Poster Award 2019 would go to Sebastian Fischer of Bundesanstalt für Geovissenschaften and Rohstoffe (BRG), Germany, for the poster titled: "Impurities of temporally variable CO2 streams have limited effect on reservoir rock". Co-authors were Leo Fuhrmann, Lennard Wolf, and Heike Rütters. The award was given for scientific progress, quality and originality.