
NCCS Newsletter March 2024

GreenShift: Paving the way for a sustainable European energy future

On 30 January 2024, the final GreenShift event was held in Brussels. The event was the last in a series of four, bringing together representatives from government, industry, and academia, to foster dialogue and research about the green energy transition in the North Sea region. Its purpose was to address the insights gained so far, and to see exactly how research and innovation can help move decarbonisation forward.

Read the full story on the NCCS website

NCCS submits input on CCS recommendations in Norwegian climate report

NCCS has commented on the recent report “The transition to low emissions: Climate policy choices towards 2050” from the 2050 Climate Change Committee. NCCS provided recommendations in relation to the report’s comments on CO₂ emissions, CCS and related technologies.

Read the full story on the NCCS website

NCCS webinars now available on YouTube

Miss one of our webinars? Recordings from our recent NCCS Lunch Webinar series are now available to watch on YouTube on the "Webinar" page of our website, under "Past webinars".

See all webinars on the NCCS website

European Commission publishes Industrial Carbon Management strategy

On 6 February, the European Commission published its Industrial Carbon Management strategy. This strategy outlines how CCS and carbon dioxide removal CDR technologies could help reduce emissions by 90% by 2040, and achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

Read the full story on the NCCS website

Germany announces plans for national Carbon Management Strategy

On 26 February, the German government announced their plans for a Carbon Management Strategy. This would see the development of CCS and CCU technologies in Germany as part of the country’s goal to achieve climate neutrality by 2045.

Read the full story on the NCCS website

The Role of Hydrogen and CCS in the Short and Long Term

As part of the 2024 Norwegian Centres for Environment-friendly Research (FME) Conference, NCCS is teaming up with fellow FMES HYDROGENi and HyValue for an event on how large-scale mobilisation of CCS and hydrogen technologies can complement other sustainable solutions in our efforts to achieve our climate goals.

Read the full story on the NCCS website

NCCS PhD student successfully defends thesis

In December 2024, NCCS PhD student Alexandra Metallinou Log successfully defended her PhD thesis: "Depressurization of CO2 in pipes: Analysis of experiments and non-equilibrium flashing flow models".

Alexandra was associated with NCCS through the Transport task (Task 7). She was supervised by Professor Armin Hafner (NTNU), and co-supervised by Task 7 Leader Svend Tollak Munkejord (SINTEF) and Morten Hammer (SINTEF).

A massive congratulations to Alexandra!

Read the full story on the NCCS website

NCCS Lunch Webinars

NCCS webinars are held on the second and fourth Thursday of every month, from 12:00 to 12:40. They consist of a 20-minute presentation, followed by a 20-minute Q&A session.

You can find the programme for this year’s webinars on the website, which will be updated continuously. Please note that presentations will be recorded, but the Q&A sessions will not be.

Read the full story on the NCCS website
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