IMPACT Newsletter - February 2024
IMPACT: Wave Energy Rig Testing Workshop
The IMPACT project is delighted to announce that our “Wave Energy Rig Testing Workshop: Bridging the Gap between Research and Deployment” will take place on the 12th of April 2024 at the Hotel Giò in Perugia, Italy.
The event will showcase how rig testing can contribute to accelerating the development of the European wave energy sector, and feature presentations from international and Italian experts from both academia and industry.
IMPACT and VALID host successful webinar on WEC testing
On 31 January, around 48 people tuned in to watch IMPACT and fellow wave energy research project VALID‘s joint webinar on how the technology being developed in each project can support wave energy converter (WEC) deployment across Europe.
The webinar was organised and supported by Trust-IT Services through the EU’s Horizon Booster Results programme. A recording of the webinar is now available to watch on YouTube.
IMPACT project members interviewed about wave energy for SINTEF’s podcast
On 4 January, IMPACT project members Paula Garcia Rosa and José Miguel Rodrigues were interviewed about wave energy for an episode of SINTEF’s podcast, Smart forklart.
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Kind regards, Paula Garcia Rosa Dissemination & Communication Manager
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