LowEmission Newsletter - December 2023
Dear partners and friends of LowEmission,
In 2023, the geopolitical tensions in Europe have significantly influenced the energy market. The demand for new and reliable energy sources, coupled with accelerated ambitions for decarbonisation, has driven us in LowEmission to intensify our focus on technology development and innovations for implementation. This year, the development of technology roadmaps has had a strong focus. All SP leaders, with valuable input from researchers and industry partners, led the efforts to document the goals, visions, and possibilities for the technologies in LowEmission. The development of technology roadmaps aims to facilitate upscaling and faster implementation to meet the 2030 and 2050 goals.
Additionally, we initiated an innovation sprint this year, in collaboration with the innovation advisory company Entreprenerdy. Three teams from LowEmission had the opportunity to work on their innovations in a structured manner to facilitate rapid maturing of the technology. We eagerly anticipate seeing the final results early next year.
The strong emphasis on innovations and technology development in the Centre was also reflected in this year's Annual Consortium Days, held in Trondheim October 25-26. The event brought together around 100 researchers and industry representatives to discuss ongoing projects, roadmaps and innovations in LowEmission. The Consortium Days serve as a valuable meeting place for the researchers in the Centre to gain the industry perspective. A short summary of the Consortium Days can be found here.
2023 is also the year when we witnessed the graduation of our first generation of PhD students, and we are thrilled to see several of them now employed by our LowEmission partners.
Thank you for your interest, cooperation and support in 2023. We are excited about the year ahead, as we work towards zero-emission petroleum activities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf – and aim to bring forward even more innovations and results in 2024.
Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year,
The LowEmission Centre Management Team
LowEmission Consortium Days 2023
The LowEmission Consortium Days 2023 was held in Trondheim 25-26 October. With over 100 participants from industry partners, PhD candidates and researchers engaged in meaningful discussions on how innovation and research can drive the acceleration of innovative solutions for reducing emissions on the NCS, it was truly an inspiring gathering. A big thanks to all contributors and participants!
The two-day event featured a packed agenda with presentations focused on research and technology development on the first day, and innovation for accelerating implementation on the second day. The Constortium Days is an occasion for research scientists and industry representatives to exchange ideas and discuss the latest technological developments and innovations. You can read more about the Consortium Days on our web page.
ZeroLog project: The way forward to decarbonise the offshore support fleet
Victoria Gribkovskaia has written a blog that sheds light on the pressing need for decarbonizing the offshore support fleet on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, and and outlines the transformative efforts of the ZeroLog project.
Platform supply vessels (PSVs) contribute 1 million tonnes of CO₂ annually, making them a significant greenhouse gas source. With the government's directive for zero-emission solutions by 2030, the ZeroLog project is aiming to optimize fleet planning, vessel operations, and design modifications collaboratively.
Check out Victoria's insightful blog article on the challenges and opportunities in decarbonizing the offshore fleet.
Centre Director Stefania Gardarsdottir's presentation at OG21 Forum
Centre Director Stefania Osk Gardarsdottir presented LowEmission Research Centre at OG21 Forum, 16 November 2023. Stefania presented two examples of research activities from the Centre: Wet cable design and cold flow technology. You can see Stefanias presentation at LowEmissions web site, here.
Centre Activities
Two of LowEmission PhD candidates have defended their thesis.
LowEmission PhD candidate Jessica Gaucherand defended her thesis on November 28th. Jessica's research delves into the crucial realm of combustion of carbon-free fuels, and her thesis title is “Direct Numerical Simulation of premixed ammonia/hydrogen flames: the effects of thermo-diffusive instabilities".
Low Emission PhD candidate Daniel dos Santos Mota defended his thesis on December 21st. Daniel is defending his thesis titled 'Control and Stability of Isolated Grids with Synchronous and Non-Synchronous Generation' for his PhD in Electric Power Engineering at the Department of Electric Energy, NTNU.