Latest news
NorthWind at Arendalsuka: AI and offshore wind
NorthWind held its own event at this year’s Arendalsuka political festival. The debate focused on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the development of offshore wind farms.
Arendalsuka: The offshore grid in focus
NorthWind spin-off project Ocean Grid held its own event at Arendalsuka this year: a session entitled “Havvind og havnett: Hva venter vi på? (Offshore wind and offshore grid: What are we waiting for?).
Utsira Offshore Wind Center AS joins NorthWind as Network Partner
Utsira Offshore Wind Center AS (UoW) has officially joined the FME NorthWind consortium as Network Partner, aiming to contribute to the Centre’s objectives and leverage its unique geographical and operational advantages.
Workshop on the cost of offshore wind
NorthWind recently hosted a workshop in Halden, with a goal to better understand what determines the cost of offshore wind, and to develop ideas for a cost model of offshore wind.
35 billion NOK allocated for offshore wind development in the Norwegian state budget
On 17 June, the Norwegian government announced that 35 billion NOK would be allocated to the development of offshore wind in the Vestavind B and Vestavind F areas as part of the revised state budget for 2024.
NorthWind partners receive funding for five offshore wind research projects
On 17 June, the Research Council of Norway (NFR) announced funding for 21 new Collaborative and Knowledge-building projects on energy and transportation research.
Upcoming events
EERA JP Wind Innovation Forum
EERA JP Wind’s Annual Wind Innovation Forum will take place in Amsterdam 16-18 September 2024.