ACT LOUISE holds successful webinar
ACT LOUISE’s first webinar on 6 February 2024 was a great success, with around 225 registering to join!
This webinar discussed the potential of CLC as an emissions-reduction technology in the WtE sector, the challenges that remain, and what we can do to help overcome them.
Presentations from the webinar are now available to be viewed from the webinar page on the website.
Fifth ACT LOUISE General Assembly held in Frankfurt
On 28 May, ACT LOUISE had its fifth general assembly meeting, hosted by ACT LOUISE partner Provadis Hochschule in Frankfurt, Germany.
ACT LOUISE successfully conducts tests in 1 MW unit
In April 2024, TU Darmstadt conducted the very first CLC tests using a waste-derived fuel at their 1 MWth pilot plant.
ACT LOUISE at the Berlin Conference on Waste Management and Energy
On 30 January, Sebastian Schmitt (Doosan Lentjes) presented on behalf of ACT LOUISE at the Berlin Conference on Waste Management and Energy.
LOUISE is funded through the ACT program (Accelerating CCS Technologies, Horizon2020 Project No. 691712). Financial contributions made by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (grant no. 03EE5096), the Research Council of Norway (grant no. 329886), the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology (grant no. T12EPA5-00023), and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (grant no. 221N265) are gratefully acknowledged.
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