Latest news
Electrifying the shelf will not happen without research
NorthWind partner organisation SINTEF Energy Research welcomes the government’s renewed efforts to ensure emissions cuts on the Norwegian continental shelf, but points out the crucial role of research in this endeavour.
Upcoming events
Webinar: Wind farm optimisation
There is still time to register for our next webinar, presenting a comparative analysis of wake models for the development of a digital twin of Unitech Zefyros (Hywind Demo), and a comparison of multiple wake models (high, mid and low fidelities).
Webinar: Fatigue reliability prediction and Circular business development for offshore wind
Get up to date on the work of two of our PhDs, who are looking respectively at Enhancing fatigue reliability prediction of offshore jacket joints; and at Circular business development of offshore wind energy.
Webinar: Voltage balancing, Energy storage and EEA economic zones for offshore wind
Get up to date on the work of three of our PhDs, who are looking respectively at Voltage balancing control modes for a modular HVDC wind drive train; Energy storage for grid services; and Connecting energy favilities in adjacent exclusive economic zones with EEA law.
52nd Floating Energy Research JIP week
Join us for the upcoming Floating Energy Research (FER) JIP week hosted by SINTEF in Trondheim, 3-7 June 2024.
Reminder: For consortium members only
Common workshop for WPs 1, 2 and 3
We are excited to invite you to the upcoming FME NorthWind workshop in Oslo, were we will merge knowledge from WP1, WP2 and WP3.
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