NCCS Closing Conference - save the date!
After eight years of research, NCCS will host its closing conference in Trondheim on 13-14 November.
NCCS at Arendalsuka 2024
NCCS will participate in several panel debates and discussions centred around carbon capture and storage (CCS), as well as related technologies, at Arendalsuka 2024.
Arendalsuka (lit. “Arendal’s week”) is a Norwegian political festival that takes place in August every year, in Arendal.
TCCS is back!
Since its inception in 2003, the Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS) has become a globally important meeting place for stakeholders from across the CCS and CCU value chain.
Organised by NCCS, this biennial conference is the place to be for discussions on CCS with representatives from R&D institutions, universities and industry.
The 13th conference, TCCS-13, will build on the heritage of the previous conferences, and will be held from the 16th to 19th June 2025, in Trondheim.
Report published on NCCS Gigaton CCS workshop
The NTNU Energy Transition Initiative has published a summary on the Gigatonne CCS workshop, which was co-organised by NCCS on 15 March as part of the NTNU Energy Transition Week.
NCCS PhD student successfully defends thesis
On Friday 21 June 2024, NCCS PhD student Tarik Yahou successfully defended his PhD thesis: "On the Effect of H₂-Enrichment on the Ignition Dynamics of Lean Premixed Flames".
Tarik was associated with NCCS through the Gas turbines task (Task 5). He was supervised by Professor Thierry Schuller (Université de Toulouse) and James Dawson (NTNU).
A massive congratulations to Tarik!
NCCS partners awarded exploration licences for CO₂ storage in Norway and Denmark
On 20 June, the Norwegian government awarded exploration licences for offshore CO₂ storage to six companies. On the same day, the Danish Energy Agency awarded three licences for investigating the potential of onshore CO₂ storage in Denmark. Four NCCS partners among the recipients of these licences.
NCCS partner signs deal on CO₂ transport between France and Norway
On 17 June, NCCS partner Equinor signed a deal with French gas grid operator GRTgaz on CO₂ transport from industrial sites in France to Norway for storage.
NCCS at 85th EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition
On 10-14 June, NCCS was represented at the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers’ (EAGE) 85th Annual Conference and Exhibition. This year, the conference was held in Oslo, with the theme “Technology and talent for a secure and sustainable energy future”.
NCCS partners install CO₂ capture facility at cement plant as part of national CCS effort
As part of Norway’s first full-scale CCS, Aker Carbon Capture has installed a CO₂ capture facility at Norcem’s cement plant in Brevik, Norway. This work was recently the topic of an article in Teknisk Ukeblad (TU). Both Aker Carbon Capture and Norcem are partners in NCCS.
NCCS successor centre presented with official FME status
On 21 May, Norwegian Minister of Energy Terje Aasland and Chief Executive of the Norwegian Research Council of Norway presented gigaCCS with an official plaque, in recognition of its status as a Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME).
As above, so below: studying above-ground rock masses to better understand underground fractures
In 2023, Senior Research Scientist Pierre Cerasi (SINTEF Industry) spent a month in Argentina, at the invitation of the Y-TEC Research Centre. The aim of the stay was to study above-ground rock masses as a way of exploring how fractures form and spread underground. An improved understanding of fracture networks can result in an improved selection of CO₂ storage locations and contribute to mitigating leakage risk.
The first part of the visit was spent looking at rock fractures in the vast extents of northern Patagonia. The second part took place at Y-TEC, the research centre of the national oil company YPF, and the technical university of La Plata (UTN). This visit was conducted through the NCCS Mobility Programme and the EU project DISCO2 Store.
Studying salt structures in Australia to enable CO₂ storage in Norway
In September 2023, Postdoctoral Researcher Siân Evans (University of Oslo) travelled to South Australia through the NCCS Mobility Programme to study exposed onshore salt structures as part of the effort to enable long-term subsurface CO₂ storage.
Despite the great distance between them, some key exposures in the outback of South Australia hold important clues that could allow us to de-risk potential CO₂ storage sites in the southern Norwegian North Sea.
NCCS Lunch Webinars
NCCS webinars are held on the second and fourth Thursday of every month, from 12:00 to 12:40. They consist of a 20-minute presentation, followed by a 20-minute Q&A session.
You can find the programme for this year’s webinars on the website, which will be updated continuously. Please note that presentations will be recorded, but the Q&A sessions will not be.