
IMPACT Newsletter - May 2024

IMPACT holds successful workshop on rig testing as a bridge between research and deployment

On 12 April, approximately 43 representatives of the European wave energy community, and associated industries, gathered in Perugia for IMPACT’s “Wave Energy Rig Testing Workshop” in Perugia, Italy, hosted by IMPACT and organised by SINTEF Energy Research and VGA.

Read the full story on the IMPACT website

IMPACT’s Final Project Meeting Takes Place in Perugia

On 10 and 11 April 2024, the IMPACT project successfully held its seventh and final project meeting in Perugia, Italy.

Read the full story on the IMPACT website

SINTEF Energy Research visit to VGA

From 13 to 17 May, Salvatore D'Arco and Kjell Ljøkelsøy from SINTEF Energy Research spent a week at VGA srl, with the objective of assisting in the characterisation of IMPACT’s drivetrain test rig.

Activities included acquiring and verifying results, which were postprocessed using MATLAB. They also started to verify the setup for IMPACT’s dual hardware-in-the loop (DHIL) approach, and recommended some small corrections.

Both Kjell and Salvatore would like to thank VGA for their hospitality, and greatly enjoyed the experience of collaborating at their facilities.

Find out more about the rigs and DHIL approach on the IMPACT website

IMPACT workshop featured in ICNMT newsletter

IMPACT's recent project meeting and workshop was featured in the latest newsletter from the International Collaboration Network in Marine Technology (ICNMT) on page 6.

The ICNMT is a collaboration network for stakeholders working with marine and maritime R&D challenges, initiated by IMPACT partner SINTEF Ocean. It is open for any organisation, company or individual with an interest in promoting R&D actions and mobility within marine technology to join.

Read the full newsletter on the IMPACT website

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Kind regards,
Paula Garcia Rosa
Dissemination & Communication Manager

IMPACT Contacts:

IMPACT Coordinator - Federico Gallorini
Dissemination & Communication Manager - Paula Garcia Rosa
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