Here is a new newsletter about recent NCCS and other CCS activities.
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Enjoy your reading! Amy Brunsvold NCCS Centre Manager
TCCS-10 – Jubilee with success
The tenth "Trondheim Conference" - The Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage – was staged June 17-19, 2019 in Trondheim. This year's conference drew 403 attendees from 23 countries, and presented 10 keynotes, 115 oral presentations in five parallel sessions and 116 poster presentations. Based on feedback from participants as well as own experiences we dear conclude that the conference was a success both for participants and for the hosts; SINTEF, NTNU and NCCS.
High-quality scientific presentations – both orals and posters – gave "food for thought" and were basis for discussions and reflections during the conference. It was especially stimulating to see that the poster session attracted a large and curious crowd this time, and that breaks were eagerly exploited for networking purposes.
As organizers, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all attendees, speakers and poster presenters. Without you – no conference (of course)! We would also like to extend our appreciation to a dedicated staff of technical volunteers, who did an excellent job in ensuring that the visitors had a great time.
Thermal Conductivity in CCS - new measurement data in unchartered territory
Thermal conductivity is a key component in CCS, in regard to e.g. CO2 injection and ship transport. But, there is a knowledge gap on thermal conductivity, and NCCS (Norwegian CCS Research Centre) is doing concrete work on closing that gap through its research mobility program. In this blog post I will elaborate shortly on the mobility program and go in …
NCCS at GHGT-14: Presentations and posters
At GHGT-14, FME NCCS had seven oral presentations and 6 poster presentations. … Read more
Vår Energi - New partner in NCCS
Vår Energi supports the Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS), which is run by the independent research organisation SINTEF.
The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) 1,5-degree scenario implies that investments are necessary now to qualify storage resources and validate monitoring technologies. Energy and climate targets cannot be met cost-effectively without CCS, while maintaining security of energy supply. The Norwegian Government aims to realise full-scale CCS (Carbon Capture and storage) by 2022.
Dette testanlegget bereder grunnen for transport av CO2. Det høres.
Det kan minne om lyden fra en jetmotor når SINTEF gjør forsøk for å forstå trygg og effektiv CO2-transport. Jobben skjer på taket til de varmetekniske laboratorier på Gløshaugen i Trondheim, men foreløpig har ingen naboer klaget.
NCCS Annual Report 2018
As of 1 April the centre delivered the Annual Report 2018 to the Research Council of Norway.