
# 1 2023

Defence of thesis:

Cristina Zotica has submitted the following academic thesis as part of her doctoral work at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): “Optimal Operation and Control of Thermal Energy Systems” – see summary

    Cristina Zotica
    • Public trial lecture: 24 February at 10:15
      Place: Defence room, Main Building, NTNU Gløshaugen
    Prescribed subject:
    Data analytics and machine learning for chemical processes; history and future - challenges due to dynamic processes and closed loop control

    • Public defence of the thesis: 24 February at 13:15
      Place: Defence room, Main Building, NTNU Gløshaugen
    The doctoral work has been carried out at the Department of Chemical Engineering, with Professor Sigurd Skogestad as the candidate’s supervisor. Professor Lars O. Nord at Department of Energy and Process Engineering was the candidate’s co-supervisor.
    Marcel Ulrich Ahrens submitted the following academic thesis as a part of his doctoral work at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Energy and Process Engineering: «Development of an ammonia-water absorption-compression heat pump at high temperature operation» - see summary

      MarcelAhrens (1)
      • The trial lecture will take place on 24th February at 10:15
        Place: S4, Gløshaugen
      Prescribed subject:
      Economic assessment of industrial implementation of state-of-the-art heat pumps in Norway
      Join Zoom Meeting - Meeting ID: 939 9516 0838 - Passcode: 023253

      • The public defence of the thesis takes place on 24th February at 13:15
        Place: S4, Gløshaugen.
      Join Zoom Meeting - Meeting ID: 937 0239 5219 - Passcode: 158247

      Professor Trygve Magne Eikevik, Department of Energy and Process Engineering, was the candidate’s main supervisor. Professor Armin Hafner, Professor Ruzhu Wang and Dr. Ignat Tolstorebrov were the co-supervisors.

      How Norwegian heat pump technology helps Indian schools, hotels and food factories

      The Norwegian-Indian project INDEE+ contributes to a sustainable transition to environmental and climate friendly working fluids in heat … Read more
      Heat pump at hotel in Goa

      HighEFF Webinar series – celebrating one year

      It is now a year since we launched the first HighEFF webinar, the 16th of February 2022. Since then, there have been 17 seminars giving HighEFF partners an opportunity to learn more about thermal energy storage technology, how to make the aluminum industry greener and heat pump technology for industrial applications, to mention just a few. The webinar series have been a success with good participation from our industry partners. On average, industry participation has been 34%.

      For those of you not taking part in these webinars yet, there are still many more to come. The next one is about utilization of low temperature heat at Elkem Thamshavn, and will be presented by Bjørn Saugestad, the plant manager. The next five webinars are listed below.

      The webinars will start at 11:30 with 20-30 minutes presentation of topics related to HighEFF's thematic areas and continue with questions and discussions until 12:30 at the latest.

      Presenter, topic and description for each presentation will be updated in the webinar section of the HighEFF events page. If you missed some of the earlier webinars, they are recorded and available via the eRoom.

      The next webinars are:

      • Utilization of low temperature heat at Elkem Thamshavn - 1 March
        Presenter: Bjørn Saugestad, Elkem
      • FRIENDSHIP-Development of high temperature heat pump concepts based on water (R718) and CO2 (R744) as working medium - 15 March
        Presenter: Ole Marius Moen, SINTEF Energi
      • NEC SOCTES: Innovative state-of-charge and output control of PCM-TES systems - 29 March
        Presenter: Magnus Rotan, SINTEF Energi
      • SiOs importance for the energy use in Si production – 12 April
        Presenter: Sethulakshmy Jayakumari, SINTEF Industry
      • Integrated CO2 heat pumping systems for hotels – 26 April
        Presenter: Silje Smitt, NTNU (Carrier)
      We encourage you to make use of this opportunity to learn and discuss on energy efficiency related topics with colleagues across the Centre!

      HighEFF Contacts:

      Centre Manager: Petter Røkke
      Editorial: Ingrid Camilla Claussen
      Feel free to share this copy with a colleague or friend.
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      Kind regards
      Petter E. Røkke, FME HighEFF Center Director

      HighEFF Website

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