# 7 2022
Dear HighEFF Friends
Yet another year has passed – so where did 2022 go?
2022 has been a year with significantly increased awareness of energy as a valuable resource for the society, a resource that cannot be wasted or misused and a resource we must use as efficiently as possible! As we have said during the whole duration of HighEFF; The best kWh is the kWh we don't need to produce!
During 2022 we have seen several highlights from HighEFF, a few examples listed below;
- We have contributed in the arrangement of a workshop series focusing on the energy crisis, in collaboration with other similar research centers. We have communicated broadly about the potential for energy savings in the industry, mainly related to the surplus heat available from industrial processes (20 TWh). Together with technology development on renewable energy sources and CCS, energy efficiency is a part of the solution for the cleaner and more efficient energy system for the future. HighEFF was present and active at Arendalsuka in August and have also contributed with input to the work of the Energy commission.
- Through the internal "Novel and Emerging and Innovative Concepts" call we have established three new projects, all three projects focusing on energy storage technologies that can contribute to more flexible energy savings and use for the industry.
- Five of the PhD students have defended their thesis during 2022; Julia Nataly Jimenez-Romero, Brede Andre Larsen Hagen, Jens Petter Johansen, Zhongxuan Liu and Håkon Selvnes
- The research on Phase Change Materials (PCM) for energy storage has resulted in several spinoff projects both within the internal call in HighEFF, but also outside of the center. A commercialization project for PCM is preparing the ground for a startup company delivering solutions for PCM based thermal energy storage for industries and buildings.
- Rema1000 has documented the energy savings of changing from conventional HFC based cooling systems to CO2 based systems to be 35 % for their supermarkets, in average. In addition, Rema1000 has achieved 68 % reduced emissions within their business value chain – based on R&D efforts in collaboration with NTNU and SINTEF in the HighEFF partnership.
- We have studied the potential for seaweed drying based on utilization of surplus heat. This is very relevant as it can benefit from low temperature surplus heat from industrial plants along the shore of Norway.
- The HighEFF lab was officially opened in May 2022 and is now an important part of the research in HighEFF.
- We have done a more detailed mapping of the target achievement in HighEFF and will give this even more attention in the final phase of HighEFF, and in that way clearly show the potential for energy and emission savings from the knowledge, technology and solutions developed in HighEFF. This work was presented more in detail during the cross sector workshop in October.
For 2023, we will have a parallel process for developing a continuation of HighEFF. The Research Council of Norway (RCN) will publish a call for new centers in January, with a deadline for a mandatory sketch 28th April and full application 15th November 2023. Contents for the continuation have been discussed at several meetings and workshops, such as the group work we had at the cross sector workshop and the strategy part of the Executive Board meeting in December. We will continue with bilateral meetings with all partners in the existing consortium to discuss your possible role in a possible continuation of HighEFF.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you again in 2023!
FME HighEFF Center Director
Norwegian-Japanese IntER-Cold project holds first in-person workshop in two years in Japan
After two long years of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was finally possible to arrange the first in-person workshop in the IntER-Cold project.
Termokjemisk energilagring: Neste generasjons termiske batterier?
Termokjemisk energilagring kan gi oss en ren, effektiv og fleksibel måte å lagre varme på, men det er fortsatt forskningsutfordringer å løse før teknologien er klar som neste generasjons varmebatteri. Read more
Last Call for Novel Emerging and Innovative Concepts
Since HighEFF is coming to an end in 2024 this will be the last call for NEIC projects within the lifespan of the centre.
The call is related to the HighEFF research and innovation objectives within emerging, energy efficient and cross-sectorial technologies for the participating industrial sectors (Metal and Materials; Oil, Gas and Energy; Foodstuffs and Chemistry; Industrial Clusters) and the funding allocated in this final call is about 2.5 MNOK. Novel Emerging and Innovative Concepts, not covered by on-going or enabled activities in HighEFF, may be applied for. Project funding to verify or realise the concept is normally in the range of 1 MNOK with a project period of up to 1 year, but higher budgets may be accepted if the activity has a high potential to contribute to the overall goals of HighEFF. The research must be performed by one or more of the research partners in HighEFF. Industry partners may contribute with in-kind contributions.
The applications should be maximum 2 pages and include:
- Concept description of the NEIC, including explanation of technology readiness level (TRL)
- How it contributes to the overall objectives of HighEFF
- A few references to the State of the Art (maximum 3 submitted with the application)
- Short description of the execution plan (including a Gantt chart, if appropriate) and Budget distribution between work packages and partners
- Market Potential (e.g., companies and/or industrial sector)
Be aware that applications with significant investments in equipment and permanent infrastructure will normally be rejected as it is expected that these investments should be covered outside the NEIC financing.
Proposals received within January 31, 2023, will be evaluated with expected start-up no later than March.
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