HYDROGENi at Arendalsuka 2023
HYDROGENi will participate in several panel debates and discussions centred around hydrogen, as well as related technologies, at Arendalsuka 2023.
Arendalsuka (lit. “Arendal’s week”) is a Norwegian political festival that takes place in August every year, in Arendal.
Measuring viscosity to investigate offshore hydrogen storage potential
Depleted oil and gas reservoirs have the potential to store vast amounts of hydrogen. However, there is very little data on the viscosity of hydrogen and hydrogen mixtures at the relevant temperature and pressure ranges. As part of HYDROGENi, Benjamin Betken from Ruhr University Bochum has conducted the first viscosity measurements of hydrogen and a hydrogen-methane mixture at expected reservoir conditions, using the ECCSEL VISC-DENS facility, operated by SINTEF Energy Research.
Norway risks losing jobs and competitiveness in the hydrogen race
Norwegian hydrogen laboratories have recently celebrated triumphs that can help heavy industry become climate neutral. With the current policy, the findings will primarily benefit Norway's competitors, writes HYDROGENi Centre Coordinator Kyrre Sundseth for DN.
HYDROGENi welcomes three new partners
We're delighted to welcome three new partners to HYDROGENi: RENERGY, Kystverket and Petroleumtilsynet.
HYDROGENi partner produces the world’s first recycled aluminium using green hydrogen
On 15 June 2023, HYDROGENi partner Hydro Havrand announced that they have successfully produced the first batch of recycled aluminium that used green hydrogen instead of natural gas as an energy source for the heating process.
Norway and Denmark sign agreement to strengthen energy cooperation
On 15 June, Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Aasland, and Denmark’s Minister for Climate, Energy, and Utilities, Lars Aagaard, signed a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) to strengthen Danish-Norwegian energy cooperation on hydrogen, carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS), and offshore wind.
Norway’s largest labour union and employer confederation advocate for Norway to become a leader in hydrogen
The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) and the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) have produced a joint proposal for a Norwegian hydrogen strategy.
New Norwegian hydrogen research laboratory opened in Trondheim
On Monday 5 June, SINTEF and NTNU opened SMART-H: a new, Norwegian research infrastructure for investigating how hydrogen impacts different materials. This work will be necessary for developing an export market for hydrogen in Norway.
Hydrogen a key climate measure in new report from the Norwegian Environment Agency
On Friday 2 June 2023, the Norwegian Environment Agency launched the “Climate measures in Norway towards 2030” report, which which analyses 85 different measures for reducing emissions from all sectors in order to achieve Norway's 2030 climate goals.
Hydrogen featured significantly in these measures, both in its use in industrial processes and as an alternative fuel.
Report published on hydrogen value chains in Norway
SINTEF, Oslo Economics and Greensight have conducted a study of hydrogen value chains in Norway. This work was commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy as part of an investigation into the development of a Norwegian hydrogen market.
HYDROGENi holds second technical meeting in Oslo
On 25 May 2023, HYDROGENi held its second technical meeting at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology to discuss the progress and goals of the Centre so far.
HYDROGENi is a partner in the Hydrogen Valley Mid-Norway initiative
HYDROGENi has become a partner in the Hydrogen Valley Mid-Norway initiative. It launched at Fremtidens Industri (FI) on Monday 8 May 2023.
“Hydrogen Valleys” are EU-led initiatives that aim to establish operative hydrogen value chains at a local level through collaboration between private and public sectors in the area. The hope is that these individual chains will pave the way for a fully realised hydrogen economy as an alternative to fossil fuels.