
# 3 2023

En gruppe mennesker deltar i en konferanse i et auditorie.

Energy efficiency: How to unlock 20 TWh of conflict-free energy

If you missed our Annual Consortium Meeting, or if you would like to relive its highlights: we prepared this roundup for you. Read more >

Upcoming webinar

If you want to further discuss the topic above (How to extract 20 TWh from the industry) feel free to join this webinar on the topic, organised by our friends at NITO. Centre director Petter Røkke will be speaking. Note that this event is in Norwegian.
Read more >

Defence of thesis May 26th: Ting He

HighEFF associated PhD candidate Ting He submitted the following academic thesis as part of her doctoral work at the Joint Degree Programme between Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Energy and Process Engineering:
"Liquefaction of Natural Gas with High Ethane Content – Integrated Ethane Recovery and Carbon Capture"
The main topic of the thesis is to integrate cooling facilities for the liquefaction of natural gas, the extraction of valuable ethane and the capture of CO2 in liquid form. The methodology is applied to natural gas with high ethane content, typical for China and some other places in the world, such as Australia and USA.

Defence on May 26th at 03:00 CET

Ting He will defend her thesis at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) on Friday 26 May. The defence will start at 03:00 Central European Time.

Joint Degree Programme

Ting He has been part of the Joint Doctorate Degree Programme between SJTU and NTNU. This means she will (if defence is successful) receive PhD degrees from both SJTU and NTNU. Ting He spent 13 months at NTNU in the Department of Energy and Process Engineering, from October 2021 to November 2022.

Supervisors at SJTU have been Associate Professors Zhimin Du and Wensheng Lin. Co-supervisor at NTNU has been Professor Truls Gundersen.

HighEFF Contacts:

Centre Manager: Petter Røkke
Editorial: Ingrid Camilla Claussen
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Kind regards
Petter E. Røkke, FME HighEFF Center Director

HighEFF Website

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