
Optimal solvent management

2 November 2021
13.00 - 13.30


Eirik Falck da Silva, SINTEF

Eirik Falck da Silva


Solvent management is an important feature of any CO2 absorption technology.

Most solvents degrade and all solvents accumulate impurities from the flue gas over time. Solvent management is about making sure the solvent capture performance is maintained over time, that there are not excessive costs associated with replacing the solvent, that corrosion does not become an issue and that there is not increased emissions associated with degradation products.

State-of-the-art solvent management can be deployed industrially today, but this is at the same time an area where further progress is of interest. This presentation is intended to give an overview of the current understanding of solvent management.

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ECCSEL ERIC, the European CCUS Research Infrastructure

2 November 2021
13.30 - 14.00


Sverre Quale, Director, ECCSEL ERIC
Volker Röhling, NTNU

Quale og Röhling


You will learn what ECCSEL ERIC is, how it operates and how you can get access to the facilities which are part of ECCSEL ERIC. An overview over the functionality added to the new ECCSEL website will be provided as well as information on the currently included and available research facilities.

You will also hear about ECCSELERATE an Horizon 2020 project ECCSEL leads and its two open calls for EU financed Transnational Access to a selection from over 70 ECCSEL facilities.

Also an overview over future plans and projects will be shown.

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Ensemble simulations with MRST
with examples from CO2 foam simulation

4 November 2021

13.00 - 13.30


Øystein Klemetsdal, SINTEF

Øystein Klemetsdal


Recent work investigating the effect of reservoir heterogeneity on the efficiency of CO2 mobility control in saline aquifers, has made use of the newly introduced ensemble module in the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST).

The ensemble module provides an easy way to setup and manage ensembles of models and run simulations efficiently with some parallelisation. This webinar will provide a brief introduction to the module with emphasis on its use for CO2 foam simulation modelling.

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CO2 storage modelling
with the Matlab Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST)

4 November 2021

13.30 - 14.00


Francesca Watson, SINTEF

Francesca Watson


Modelling geological storage of carbon dioxide is characterized by scarce data, large spans in spatial and temporal scales, and delicate balances between different physical flow mechanisms.

MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST) is open-source software which offers special tools and interactive workflows that have been specially designed to meet these challenges.

In this webinar I will demonstrate some of the CO2 storage modelling functionality of MRST and show some recent developments in fast simulation and model parameter estimation w.r.t the recently released Sleipner Benchmark model.

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Amy Brunsvold, NCCS Centre Manager
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