Hi everyone,

The FME midterm evaluation panel of international experts and generalists stated that NCCS is a successful and impressive FME. We have now received the final confirmation from the Research Council of Norway that NCCS will be granted funding for the remaining three years without any further requirements for corrective measures. Although this is a very positive and motivating message, the NCCS Board, committees, and Operation Centre will use the valuable feedback from the evaluation to further develop and expand the Centre. The need is urgent for the CCS scale-up from the millions of tons CO2 stored today to the billions needed to be stored in 2050, less than 30 years from now. Thank you all in the CCS community for taking on this huge task together with us.

TCCS-11 is history! If you missed out, we have published a summary of the event below. Or you can read IEAGHG's take here.

But thanks to the digital nature of TCCS-11, you can also still access the conference portal until September 1. That also goes for anyone who could not join us live – you can still register now to access everything at a discounted rate.

If you need something to read this summer, or haven’t had the time yet, we suggest the IEA net Zero by 2050, A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector. To the Norwegian Skift – Næringslivets klimaledere, Executive Director of the IEA, Dr. Birol stated: "Out of 800 technologies that we have analyzed in the report, one in particular is critical, and that is carbon capture and storage (CCS). Here Norway can be an important player. Norway has long been a reliable partner in the energy market, and CCS in combination with hydrogen will be very important. We further recommend the joint industry funded SINTEF, IFP-EN and Deloitte report Hydrogen 4 EU - Charting pathways to enable net zero.

We know many of you will be taking some summer vacation now, so we'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a fantastic summer on behalf of everyone at NCCS!

On behalf of the NCCS team,
Mona Mølnvik, NCCS Centre Director and Amy Brunsvold, NCCS Centre Manager

TCCS-11: A Virtual Success

Since last year’s Longship funding announcement, global interest in CO2 capture, transport and storage (CCS) technologies has never been greater. As such, the eyes of the world fell on Norway last week for the 11th Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS-11).

More than 350 researchers, industry professionals and students gathered online to discuss the latest research findings and upcoming scientific challenges related to scaling CCS technologies. A total of 22 plenary talks, 93 presentations across five parallel technical sessions and 24 poster presentations gave participants plenty to discuss.

Read in full: TCCS-11: A Virtual Success

TCCS-11: Recognising Breakthroughs in CCS Research

Professor Marco Mazzotti from ETH Zürich is the latest winner of the SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award. He received the award during a virtual ceremony as part of the 11th Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS-11).

Read in full: TCCS-11: Recognising Breakthroughs in CCS Research
TCCS-11 award winner graphic
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Amy Brunsvold, NCCS Centre Manager
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