
# 5 2021

Dear friends, partners of FME HighEFF!

I would like to use this opportunity to wish you all a nice summer and relaxing holiday period. Within HighEFF we have finally received the formal response from the midterm evaluation and the decision from the Research Council is that HighEFF will be granted funding for the remaining three years without any further requirements for corrective measures or modifications as a consequence of the evaluation. We are of course delighted with this feedback and look forward to the remaining years of HighEFF and the further work towards fulfilling our ambitions, together with the HighEFF partners!

As you probably have noticed, we have increased the focus on public communication from HighEFF in 2021. Some highlights from this are available here;
So, this might be some good reading and easy listening for you during a relaxing summer holiday?

Have a great summer – hope to see you all again during the autumn (crossing fingers for normal working conditions again soon)!

Kind regards,
Petter Røkke
HighEFF centre director

HighEFF PhD/Post Doc seminar

HighEFF is starting up again its annual PhD Seminar after the pandemic. The seminar will be a physical event in auditorium KJEL-5 at NTNU on Thursday 19 August from 09:00 to 16:00. The seminar will also provide digital solutions for those not attending physically.

Read in full: HighEFF PhD/Post Doc seminar

HighEFF PhD Saif R. Kazi

Congratulations to Saif R. Kazi, who successfully defended his HighEFF-sponsored PhD thesis on the 11th of June at the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, USA.

The title of his work was "Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Heat Exchanger Design in Process Flowsheets”. His work will contribute to the practical, energy efficient and optimal design of heat exchanger systems such as refrigeration cycles and heat-to-power cycles in industrial processes.

He will begin his career at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

13 to 15 June 2022
The biennal Gustav Lorentzen Conference on
Natural Refrigerants

The conference has become a globally important meeting place for more than 350 field experts from industry and research. The conference typically has 120 oral presentations in plenary and parallel sessions, more than 50 posters and world leading keynote speakers from science and government.
Conference website:

Excess heat is a by-product of many industrial processes. Increasingly, manufacturers are trying to find ways to use that heat internally to increase their energy efficiency. … Read more
A hand holds a device recording the heat being emitted by a factory chimney.

Resirkulering av avgass i silisiumproduksjon

Produksjon av silisium innebærer utslipp av CO2, i størrelsesorden 5 tonn CO2 for hvert tonn silisium. Karbonfangst kan være en mulig løsning for å fjerne dette utslippet, men CO2-konsentrasjonen i avgassen fra ovnene er ofte for lav for kostnadseffektiv CO2 fangst. En mulig løsning for å redusere fangstkostnaden ... Read more
En operatør tapper flytende silisium fra en ovn

HighEFF Contacts:

Centre Manager: Petter Røkke
Editorial: Ingrid Camilla Claussen
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Kind regards
Petter E. Røkke, FME HighEFF Center Director

HighEFF Website

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