Hi all!

We hope you had a lovely summer, wherever you have been. It certainly was a scorcher for many!

Summer 2022 will be remembered for its extremes, with record-breaking heat waves sweeping across continental Europe, highlighting the urgent need for taking action against climate change. While the heat continues to spread across Europe, here in Norway we have seen delegates from politics, NGOs, industry and the public gather to debate and develop politics for the present and the future at Arendalsuka. CCS was firmly rooted in the discussion and received strong support from our politicians, research and industry leaders as a key tool in the effort to reduce emissions.

Just before the summer, NCCS was awarded three KSP projects by the Research Council of Norway: ADVENCCS, PREFERENCE and CO2FFER. The projects are awarded through NFR’s CLIMIT programme, which is dedicated to the development of CCS technology. In the Centre, these projects are also described as NCCS spin-in projects. Congratulations to our scientists and our partners on the successful award of these projects!

Given the drive and enthusiasm for CCS deployment and my own passion for the subject, I am delighted to have been given the opportunity to take over the role of Centre Manager for the NCCS Centre. NCCS is the largest, targeted strategic research effort worldwide on CCS. My job is to stand on the shoulders of giants, collaborate with a fantastic, highly competent team and push forward to build on the strongly established foundation already laid out - and I can’t wait!

The NCCS team are now looking forward to our plans for the Autumn, including hosting our 2022 Webinar Series and our annual Consortium Days, both of which have a great program of talks.

Hope to see you there!
Nicola Marsh
NCCS Centre Manager
Mona Mølnvik
NCCS Centre Director

Interview with Jannicke Bjerkås: Oslo to have the first full-scale CCS facility for waste incineration

Skjermbildet fra intervjuet med Jannicke Bjerkås og Mona Mølnvik
At Arendalsuka, NCCS Centre Director Mona Mølnvik interviewed Hafslund Oslo Celsio’s CCS Director Jannicke Bjerkås about Celsio’s success with securing funding for building the first full-scale CCS facility for waste incineration at their waste-to-energy plant in Klemetsrud, Oslo.

Read the full interview on the SINTEF blog

NCCS Awarded Three New Collaborative and Knowledge-building Projects

We are proud to announce that NCCS has been awarded three new Collaborative and Knowledge-building Projects (KSPs) by the Research Council of Norway (NFR): ADVENCCS, PREFERENCE and CO2FFER.

Initiating and developing project proposals is a key part of the Centre’s research activities. While each project has a different focus area, they all contribute to NCCS’ overall goal of fast-tracking CO2 capture and storage (CCS) deployment by reducing associated risks and costs.

Congratulations to our scientists and our partners on the successful award of these projects – we look forward to hearing more from these projects!

Read the full story on the NCCS website

NCCS Spin-Off Project to Host First Open Event in Oslo

On behalf of the ACCSESS project, Hafslund Oslo Celsio and SINTEF is welcoming European policy makers and representatives from cities and industries to Oslo for an open event. Join us for a conversation about the challenges and opportunities associated with curbing industrial CO2 emissions, and how they relate to climate adaptation and mitigation plans for European cities.

You do not need to have any prior knowledge of or plans for CO2 capture and storage (CCS) to attend. Participation is free of charge.

Find the programme and registration information on the ACCSESS website

NCCS Presented to the German Green Party

On 3 August 2022, NCCS Centre Director Mona Mølnvik held a presentation for Ricarda Lang, one of the two leaders of Bündis 90/Die Grünen (the German Green Party), at the German Embassy in Oslo, Norway.

Mona spoke about how NCCS works with carbon capture and storage (CCS) to make it safer and more cost efficient, and fast-track its wide-scale deployment.

First NCCS Student Seminar Day Held in Trondheim

On 9 June, NCCS gathered its PhD and Postdoc students together in Trondheim for the Centre’s first Student Seminar Day. The day gave students the opportunity to hear from task leaders and PhD students from outside their own task family, and understand how their work fits into the wider research goals of NCCS.

“I was excited to participate in NCCS’ Student Seminar Day,” said Bahareh Khosravi, a PhD student in Task 8. “Discussions during the presentations and making the plan for the young researchers club were great examples of the teamwork we did throughout the day, and we ended the seminar with a social gathering, which I enjoyed a lot!”

Read the full story on the NCCS website

The IODP Expedition 396 Experience: Drilling and Sampling the Mid-Norwegian Continental Margin

Peter Betlem measuring P-wave velocities of the recovered sequences at discrete intervals.
Peter Betlem is a PhD candidate at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) for the Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS). Several weeks ago, he started his NCCS mobility stay at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) in Oslo. The main aim of the stay? To characterise some of the basalts recovered from the mid-Norwegian continental margin during last year’s International Ocean Discovery Programme’s Expedition 396.

Read Peter’s full account on the SINTEF blog

What we need to understand about fiscal metering for trading CO2

To succeed in implementing CCS at the scale needed to combat climate change, there needs to be a deep understanding of the related regulatory framework and its implications for CCS oversight. Fiscal metering impacts the entirety of the CCS value chain, and is critical for building trust and ensuring successful CO2 transactions between different parties.

Read the full story on the SINTEF blog

NCCS Presents for its Youngest Audience Yet

On 20 May, SINTEF Research Scientist Ingrid Snustad gave a presentation on CCS to a room of approx. 600 Norwegian school children in Oslo, Norway.

The “Children’s mini conference” was arranged by Energy Valley as part of their annual Energy: Connected conference. Ingrid was invited along with three other experts to give a 20-minute presentation to a room full of Norwegian 5th and 6th graders (ages 10 to 11) from schools from the Oslo area.

“I was extremely impressed with the curiosity of these children, and how well they paid attention,” says Ingrid. “I hope I gave them some understanding of what it’s like to be a research scientist as well as the important work we do in NCCS – and that I meet some of them again in ten years’ time as researchers themselves.”

Read the full story on SINTEF’s website
Read Ingrid’s presentation as a blog article on the SINTEF blog

NCCS Centre Director Discusses CCS on Educational Spanish TV Programme

On 25 April, NCCS Centre Director Mona Mølnvik was interviewed by Pere Estupinya for a CCS-centric episode of “El Cazador de Cerebros” (The Brain Hunter). The episode aired on 11 July on La2.

Read the full story on the NCCS website

Master Students that Rock CCS

NCCS is proud to be home to a number of skilled master’s students, studying a wide range of topics across the CCS value chain. Get to know Nora Holden (now a PhD in Task 9) and Maren Bruflodt Løge, and hear about their experiences

Read the full story on UiO’s website

Core Workshop Held by NCCS Task 9 at the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate's Geobank

On 31 March and 1 April, Task 9 of NCCS held a core workshop at the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.

“It was a real success, as it brought together representatives from virtually all corners of Task 9 and sparked many an interesting and cross-disciplinary discussion,” said Rikke Bruhn, researcher at UiO.

Read the full story on the NCCS website

NCCS on Podcasts

  • Lead of NCCS Special Advisory Group Nils Røkke on the Energy Transitions Podcast
Nils Røkke (lead of the NCCS Special Advisory Group) was a special guest on the Energy Transitions podcast, where he talked about the potential of technologies such as CCS, biomass and hydrogen to decarbonise hard-to-abate industries, as well as the North Sea as an untapped resource for European renewable energy.

Listen here
  • NCCS Centre Director on the “Fornybaren” Podcast
NCCS Centre Director Mona Mølnvik was interviewed by hosts Bendik Solum Whist and Aslak Øverås for Fornybaren.

Listen here (in Norwegian)

  • NCCS Geologists on Geoscience Podcast
Rikke Bruhn and Sian Evans from Task 9 of NCCS were guests on the eGeos podcast, talking about the importance of permanent underground CO2 storage as a means of decarbonising our societies.

Listen here

Successful defence of thesis: Eirik Æsøy

On 3 February, NCCS PhD student Eirik Æsøy successfully defended his PhD thesis, “The Effect of Hydrogen Enrichment on the Thermoacoustic Behaviour of Lean Premixed Flames”. Eirik was a student at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Task 5 Gas Turbines.

Burning hydrogen in gas turbines can facilitate rapid decarbonisation in the short to medium term by generating zero-carbon power at a large scale. If the hydrogen is produced from excess electricity, burning it in gas turbines to produce power can also increase the penetration of renewable energy sources. However, associated risks included flashbacks, autoignition and thermoacoustic instabilities (TIs).
Eirik’s thesis focused on investigating how hydrogen enrichment impacts the thermoacoustic response of flames operated in the lean premixed regime. You can read the full thesis on NTNU’s website.

Eirik will also be hosting an NCCS webinar on this subject on 20 October, 13:00-13:30.

Congratulations to Eirik, and we at NCCS wish him all the best!

NCCS Student Wins Gebrüder-Eickhoff-Preis for PhD thesis

On 10 June, previous NCCS PhD Student Tobias Neumann received the "Gebrüder-Eickhoff-Preis" award for his PhD thesis "Accurate Description of Mixtures with Minor Components Relevant for CCS Including a New Approach for Reactive Mixtures".

In order to develop safe and efficient CCS systems, we need to have knowledge of thermodynamic properties (e.g. density, heat capacities, etc.) of CO2 mixed with impurities. Tobias' thesis improved and expanded on the existing EOS-CG model to develop models that cover wide temperature and pressure ranges in gaseous, liquid and supercritical phases and equilibrium states. This will contribute to a process design that is as accurate and realistic as possible. You can read the full thesis on RUB's website.

A joint student with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and Ruhr Universität Bochum (RUB), Tobias was part of Task 8 Fiscal metering and thermodynamics.

Congratulations to Tobias, and we at NCCS wish him all the best!
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