
# 5 2022

Defence of thesis 9. September: Jens Petter Johansen

PhD student Jens Petter Johansen is defending his thesis entitled «Energy efficiency-ing. How an energy efficient world is produced through practices, objects, rhetoric, and politics» 9th September. Main supervisor for his work has been Professor Per Morten Scheifloe (also a board member in HighEFF).

More information about the defence

Workshop series together with other FMEs;
"The Energy crises in Europe"

During the recent months HighEFF has contributed to a series of workshops raising the awareness of the current energy situation in Europe, where the intention is to bring facts from our research to the public debate. These workshops have covered a range of topics such as market design, power production potential, renewable energy potential, energy efficiency, carbon pricing and more.
See this website where the previous workshops are available for online viewing
(in Norwegian)

A summarizing seminar is planned for the contributors and for the partners of the FMEs 29th September at Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi in Oslo. This is for invited participants and we will send information to the main partner contacts in HighEFF with more information about registration.
Preliminary program for the summarizing workshop:
Energisituasjonen i Europa - hva nå? | Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi (

Call for Novel Emerging and Innovative Concepts 2022

Deadline: 30. September
We expect initiatives which will highly contribute to the measures set by HighEFF: reduced specific energy use and emissions in the Norwegian industry. We are looking for proposals of high quality and vision, within the scope of FME HighEFF. For this call, the evaluation will prioritise activities that can demonstrate high potential to meet HighEFF’s goals of reducing specific energy consumption and reducing emissions. For example this could be case studies demonstrating a high potential for novel and innovative concepts, if implemented in the different sectors and industries of the centre which are not covered today.

FME HighEFF Centre extended the scope of the former Novel Emerging Concepts calls to also cover innovation, now calling for Novel Emerging and Innovative Concepts (NEIC). The call is related to the HighEFF research and innovation objectives within emerging, energy efficient and cross-sectorial technologies for the participating industrial sectors (Metal and Materials; Oil, Gas and Energy; Foodstuffs and Chemistry; Industrial Clusters). The evaluation committee is also strengthened with representatives from outside the RD partners.

Novel Emerging and Innovative Concepts, not covered by on-going or enabled activities in HighEFF, may be applied for. Project funding to verify or realise the concept is normally in the range of 1 MNOK with a project period of up to 1 year, but higher budgets may be accepted if the activity has a high potential to contribute to the overall goals of HighEFF. The research must be performed by one or more of the research partners in HighEFF. Industry partners may contribute with in-kind contributions.

The applications should be maximum 2 pages and include:
  • Concept description of the NEIC, including explanation of technology readiness level (TRL)
  • How it contributes to the overall objectives of HighEFF
  • A few references to the State of the Art (maximum 3 submitted with the application)
  • Short description of the execution plan (including a Gantt chart, if appropriate) and Budget distribution between work packages and partners
  • Market Potential (e.g. companies and/or industrial sector)
There is no deadline for submitting applications, however, submitted applications will normally only be evaluated after each specific call.
Read more about Novel Emerging and Innovative Concepts

Summer scientist in HighEFF

Saroj Thapa's summer job was to calculate the energy needs of an Inderøy chicken farm, with a view to increase the farm's energy efficiency with heat pumps.

Saroj is working on a Master's in sustainable energy, with a specialisation in heat pump processes and systems. He was one of SINTEF Energy's "sommerforskere" (summer scientists), this summer working on a project by HighEFF.

HighEFF Contacts:

Centre Manager: Petter Røkke
Editorial: Ingrid Camilla Claussen
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Kind regards
Petter E. Røkke, FME HighEFF Center Director

HighEFF Website

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