Reducing emissions in oil and gas: how other technologies than electrification can contribute
Electrification of oil and gas is the most straightforward way to reduce emissions in oil and gas exploitation, but other technologies can also make a big difference. Read more »
“Hybrid cables” explained
Subsea “hybrid cables” have been the subject of much debate in Norway these past few months, but what are they exactly and what makes them such a hot topic of discussion? Read more »
Using offshore wind to decarbonise oil and gas extraction
LowEmission's Stefania Gardarsdottir and NorthWind research centre director John Olav Tande are the guests of the Smart Forklart podcast. They discuss the immense potential of offshore wind to provide the required renewable energy to oil and gas installations. Listen to the episode (in Norwegian) »
LowEmission webinar series
The LowEmission spring webinar series is kicking off! Unlike the previous series these webinars are open to members of the general public as well as centre partners.
- 19 May, 13:00-14:30
Blow-Out Behaviour, Power hardware-in-the-loop and Offshore logistics Presenters: Martin Richter, Daniel Mota and Andreas Ormevik
- 2 June, 13:00-14:30
Well placement, Optimisation of power consumption and Emission reduction in gas turbine power cycles Presenters: I Gusti Agung Gede Angga, Handita Reksi Dwitantra Sutoyo and Mohammad Ali Motamed
- 9 June, 13:00-14:00
Combustion of ammonia/hydrogen and Modelling of ammonia combustion Presenters: Aksel Ånestad and Jessica Gaucherand
- 16 June, 13:00-14:00
Optimal operation of hybrid power systems and Subsea cable conductor screens Presenters: Kiet Tuan Hoang and Amar Abideen
- 23 June, 13:00-14:00
Offshore energy hubs and Topside model considering periodic power supply Presenters: Hongyu Zhang and Leila Eyni
If you have not attended a LowEmission webinar yet and want to be added to our webinar mailing list, send an email to Tore Lyngås.
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