# 1 2022
Call for Novel Emerging and Innovative Concepts 2022
FME HighEFF Centre has extended the scope of the former Novel Emerging Concepts calls to also cover innovation, now calling for Novel Emerging and Innovative Concepts (NEIC). The call is related to the HighEFF research and innovation objectives within emerging, energy efficient and cross-sectorial technologies for the participating industrial sectors (Metal and Materials; Oil, Gas and Energy; Foodstuffs and Chemistry; Industrial Clusters) and the funding allocated is increased to about 3.5 MNOK per year. The evaluation committee is also strengthened with representatives from outside the RD partners.
Novel Emerging and Innovative Concepts, not covered by on-going or enabled activities in HighEFF, may be applied for. Project funding to verify or realise the concept is normally in the range of 1 MNOK with a project period of up to 1 year, but higher budgets may be accepted if the activity has a high potential to contribute to the overall goals of HighEFF. The research must be performed by one or more of the research partners in HighEFF. Industry partners may contribute with in-kind contributions.
The applications should be maximum 2 pages and include:
- Concept description of the NEIC, including explanation of technology readiness level (TRL)
- How it contributes to the overall objectives of HighEFF
- A few references to the State of the Art (maximum 3 submitted with the application)
- Short description of the execution plan (including a Gantt chart, if appropriate) and Budget distribution between work packages and partners
- Market Potential (e.g. companies and/or industrial sector)
Be aware that applications with significant investments in equipment and permanent infrastructure will normally be rejected as it is expected that these investments should be covered outside the NEIC financing.
Proposals received within February 25, 2022, will be evaluated with expected start-up in April.
Applications are to be sent by email to: higheff@sintef.no
High-Temperature Heat Pump Symposium in Copenhagen – 29 - 30 March 2022
The transition towards sustainable process heating is gaining traction and high-temperature heat pumps are becoming the preferred choice for a variety of applications. The huge potential of heat pumps, improving market conditions, and an increasing interest from end-users have caused a remarkable increase of activities focusing on the development of high-temperature heat pump technologies, which will be the focus of the upcoming symposiuum. ... Read more
HighEFF Contacts:
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Kind regards Petter E. Røkke, FME HighEFF Center Director