We wish them all the best for the future and in new positions.
«Managing multiple goals in university-industry collaboration»
Defence of thesis 14. December
Irina Nikolayevna Isaeva has submitted her academic thesis as a part of the Philosophiae Doctor (ph.d) work at the Nord University Business School. Read more
HighEFF Partner Workshop:
"Recycling of Pot Gas from Aluminium Electroysis Cells II" - Tuesday December 14 09:00-13:30
This workshop wil consist of these topics:
- Heat Balance and Pot Gas composition
- Opportunities and Challenges with Pot Gas Recycling
- CO to CO2 Catalyser
- Heat Exchanger for PGR
- Pot Integrated Abart (PIA) Implementation via AGATE
- Future CCSU Opportunities for the Aluminium industry.
Podcast: Norge mister 20 TWh årlig i varmetap – disse forskerne vil bruke energien i stedet
Norge produserer rundt 20 TWh varme vi ikke klarer å utnytte. Ikke rart kråkene trives her i landet.
HighEFF Contacts:
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Kind regards Petter E. Røkke, FME HighEFF Center Director