Dear HighEFF friends,

I hope you all are doing well and have enjoyed a well deserved summer vacation!

In this first newsletter after the summer we welcome Pelagia AS as a new partner in FME HighEFF. It's also a pleasure to announce that we have financed two new Novel Emergin Consepts (NEC) projects within future integrated energy systems for industrial clusters, and the improving of the casting process for the ferroalloy industry by reducing energy losses and emissions. More information about the NECs will be given in the upcoming newsletter.

I hope for a fruitful autumn – and look forward to meeting you again when we are back to more normalized operations.

Petter E. Røkke
FME HighEFF Centre director

How Hotels Can Slash Their Energy Bills

In a year when hotel revenue from guests and conferences will be substantially lower than planned, seeking out cost savings suddenly becomes more important than ever. An investment in the latest energy-efficient technology that combines heating and cooling into one system can reduce a hotel’s total electricity usage by 44%.

Find out how this works.
Hotel room energy controls

Work and Heat Exchange Networks: Simultaneous Process Optimisation and Heat Integration

Industrial processes consume energy when converting raw materials to products. Reducing energy consumption is important to reduce the environmental footprint of the industrial process while improving the profitability. Energy consumption is in the form of electricity and heating/cooling utilities such as steam and cooling water.

Read the full story here.
Heat recovery steam generators at power plant

HighEFF papers receives best paper award and international praise!

PhD candidate Suzane Cavalcanti has published the article Multiple Steady States and Nonsmooth Bifurcations in Dry and Vaporless Distillation Columns. The paper got excellent reviews, with one reviewer saying "I have not read a paper that I found so very interesting in a very long time. This is one of the most original contributions to column simulations in the last quarter century and, potentially, the most significant in that time period."

Avinash Subramanian, associate PhD in HighEFF, has won a Best Paper award in the prestigious journal Processes for his review paper Modeling and Simulation of Energy Systems: A Review.

Congratulations! We are proud to have both of you on the HighEFF team.

HighEFF Contacts:

Centre Manager: Petter Røkke
Editorial: Ingrid Camilla Claussen
Feel free to share this copy with a colleague or friend. Anyone can subscribe to the newsletter, there is a Subscribe-site on our blog.

Kind regards
Petter E. Røkke
FME HighEFF Center Director

Our website is up and running. We will use the website to announce upcoming events and workshop, meetings and conferences, news and results. I hope you will find the website interesting and informative and that you will use it frequently.

HighEFF Website

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