Call for abstracts
EERA DeepWind'2021
18th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference Trondheim, Norway, 13 – 15 January 2021
EERA DeepWind 2021 is an international event aiming to present the best on-going research and innovation related to deep sea offshore wind farm, both bottom-fixed and floating.
The conference has been developing every year since 2004, and is established as an important venue on deep sea offshore wind R&D. The programme includes a mix of plenary presentations with broad appeal and presentations in parallel sessions or by posters on specific science and technology themes.
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 October 2020
The topic shall be one of the following:
- New turbine and generator technology
- Grid connection and power system integration
- Met-ocean conditions
- Operation & maintenance
- Installation and sub-structures
- Wind farm optimization
- Experimental testing and Validation
- Wind farm control systems
- Public engagement and environmental aspects
- Energy transition perspectives
Preparation of full papers is optional. These will go through a full peer-review and successful submissions will be published on-line in an accredited journal. There will be an award for best poster.
EERA DeepWind Conference 2021 will be a hybrid conference, gathering attendees and speakers both physically and digitally. The hybrid format allows us to present speakers from different parts of the world, whilst ensuring a good meeting for what's important: hard science on offshore wind.