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We hope this letter finds you well

While most of Europe is in lockdown and all physical workshops are being cancelled or postponed, more and more organisers explore and exploit various virtual meeting forms. There has been a significant increase in AI related webinars and online workshops. Below we list some suggestions, and we’re happy to hear from you if want us to include anything on the list.

Both the national and European research councils are trying to alleviate the situation with increased flexibility and new calls to stimulate both research in directly pandemic-related research but also longer term research and innovation for industry.


CLAIRE is an initiative by European AI communities seeking to strengthen European excellence in AI research and innovation. To achieve this, CLAIRE has been established as a pan-European Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe. Being one of the largest networks of AI research groups and institutes in the world, CLAIRE has recently begun to work with key stakeholders from various application areas. This effort is guided by the five emerging mission areas of the EU’s “Horizon Europe” Framework Programme.
CLAIRE has several national offices and one of them is the CLAIRE office Norway/Nordics (contact email office-norway@claire-ai.org). The main goal of the CLAIRE office in Norway is to help all Norwegian AI researchers to engage in AI research activities and collaborations across Europe through networking, project application (EU funded), innovation and industry cooperation.
The AI4EU Platform
AI4EU have launched their collaboration platform to be used by everyone in Europe, not just members. It is thought to be a tool for collaboration between AI researchers, developers and companies, and the goal is that it will become a one-stop-shop for European AI resources of high maturity and quality. In order to avoid garbage publications (including codes, data etc.), there is a scoring and rating system, and while the portal is open for everyone you have to register to use it.


The beginning of a Strategic Agenda for a European AI Public Private Partnership
In the beginning of June euRobotics and BDVA (the Big Data Value Association) published a joint Strategic Agenda for a European AI Public Private Partnership (PPP). The objective of strategic agenda is to bring together the stakeholders from the European AI Innovation Ecosystem to achieve a consensus on the way forward in advancing AI in Europe developing strong foundations for a European Public-Private Partnership on AI.
European AI white paper
On 19 February 2020, the European Commission published a white paper aiming to foster a European ecosystem of excellence and trust in AI and the Commision published a report on the safety and liability aspects of AI. The white paper proposes:
  • Measures that will streamline research, foster collaboration between Member States and increase investment into AI development and deployment;
  • Policy options for a future EU regulatory framework that would determine the types of legal requirements that would apply to relevant actors, with a particular focus on high-risk applications.
Currently the white paper is undergoing an open, public consultation process until June 14 2020.
AI Watch - Defining Artificial Intelligence
The AI Watch initiative by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission monitors European Union’s industrial, technological and research capacity in AI; AI-related policy initiatives in the Member States; uptake and technical developments of AI; and AI impact. They have recently released a report with proposals for taxonomy and keywords for AI to be used for this monitoring.
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IP and Artificial Intelligence: New Report by Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
AI is entering the fields of art and culture with paintings produced by algorithms and music composed by machines. The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission have published a report where they discuss the possible implications of the adoption of AI in the intellectual property framework and open questions for reflection.

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AI4EU offers a series of webinars on everything AI related 1-2 times per week. You are also encouraged to suggest potential speakers..
The Research Council of Norway offers several workshops (online) for those considering applying for Horizon 2020 (registration required):
May 5-6 2020: Horisont 2020 - Proposal Writing - Focus Impact
May 6 2020: Horisont 2020 - Horizon Europe: A practical insight



Nov 3-5 2020: European Big Data Value Forum, Berlin
Dec 1-3 2020: ICT 2020, Cologne


NAINE spans across academia and industry, research and application. In line with the European Commission, we use the expression AI in the broadest context covering machine learning, deep learning, hybrid analytics, learning based control systems, optimisation etc. At the moment, EU does not have an overarching programme for "everything AI". Instead, AI is covered by multiple initiatives in and alongside the EU framework, both in the running H2020, Horizon Europe, and the coming Digital Europe Programme for 2021. NAINE is monitoring selected calls and activities, forwarding information and coordinating hearings for calls together with the Research Council of Norway. In addition, we will organize two workshops yearly with information about relevant activities and calls as well as networking opportunities.
The main purpose of the NAINE network is to contribute to increased number of EU proposals within AI involving Norwegian institutions. NAINE is open for everyone in Norway interested in AI and national and European collaboration.
The core group in NAINE is:

Anne Marthine Rustad – SINTEF Digital
Signe Riemer-Sørensen – SINTEF Digital
Anders Løland – Norsk Regnesentral
Søren Kragholm – Universitetet i Agder
Jim Tørresen – Universitetet i Oslo
Heri Ramampiaro - NTNU

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