
LowEmission Newsletter - April 2020

Hello everyone,

I am pleased to announce that despite all the worries and distractions in the world right now, we have successfully submitted the first LowEmission annual report to the Norwegian Research Council.

Although LowEmission is still in its infancy, the annual report is a great opportunity to remind everyone inside and outside the centre of our goals, and to report on the work done so far. There are many positive stories to share, from case study development to the definition of testing criteria. You can download and read the full report now in low-resolution (3MB) or high-resolution (31MB).

Looking ahead to the rest of 2020, work will begin in the Technical Committee of Innovation and Commercialisation led by Jan Petter Pettersen of Repsol, who will prepare for a workshop with the whole committee later this spring. Within several sub-projects, planning of experimental work is well underway. Meanwhile, several PhD candidates have been hired to begin their research projects. It is clear that 2020 will be a busy and exciting year for LowEmission!


Malin Torsæter
LowEmission Centre Director


Solving the Green Paradox

If there's a riddle that defines our time, it must surely be how we get to net zero CO2 emissions while still delivering energy to billions of people. To keep the world supplied with energy, oil and gas will remain a critical part of the energy mix during the transition to a more flexible energy system.

Read the full feature story in the LowEmission annual report

Video: Consortium Days 2019

In December 2019, LowEmission held its first major event following its opening. The first Consortium Days meeting brought together over 80 motivated and ambitious research and industry partners, all working towards the same goal – zero-emission oil and gas production on the Norwegian Continental Shelf by 2050.

The full-day meeting included plenary presentations from industry partners in the morning, highlighting their expectations to the Centre and the importance of the petroleum industry taking a leading role in development of low-emission technologies. The leaders of the research tasks also gave a sneak peek of their activities so far in the morning session, to warm up the meeting participants for the breakout sessions in the afternoon.

These were based on the three focus areas of LowEmission: power production and supply, system integration, and reduced offshore energy consumption. The breakout sessions allowed in-depth discussions on research activities, innovation potential and how to bridge the gap from research to implementable and commercial technologies, to name a few.

We took the opportunity to film a video showcasing some of the breadth of industrial involvement and the expectations to the Centre. Watch and share the video (in Norwegian) on YouTube

Minister: "Our new national team for low-emission technology"

The Norwegian government published a brief article about the opening of LowEmission. It quotes the then Oil and Energy Minister Kjell-Børge Freiberg: "It is pleasing that so many from the industry are interested in playing an active role in this centre."

Read the full story (only available in Norwegian) at


LowEmission Centre Director: Malin Torsæter

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