CINELDI Conference - registration is open How can the distribution grid be adapted to facilitate a large-scale electrification of the society?
Welcome to the conference on Future Electricity Distribution Grid R&D, hosted by the Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution (CINELDI). This year's main topic is How can the distribution grid be adapted to facilitate a large-scale electrification of the society? The Conference will be held on April 21st at Britannia Hotel in Trondheim, Norway. Registration deadline is February 20. For more … Read more
“Going electric means more active distribution that is ambitious, achievable and can be inclusive through the European Green Deal”
We are very excited to announce that Dr. Venizelos Efthymiou, Chairman of Foss Research Centre in Cyprus will be one of our two keynote speakers at the CINELDI Conference.
He will share his thoughts, from a European perspective, on the adaptation of the distribution grid in support of the energy transition, facilitating a large-scale electrification of the society.
State Estimation in Partially-Known Power Networks
The necessary introduction of more distributed energy resources into the grid creates monitoring and control issues. The Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution (CINELDI) proposes a novel top-down approach to improve the simultaneous input and state estimation process. … Read more
Introducing PANTERA: A Pan-European Technology Energy Research Approach
PANTERA is a four-year EU Horizon 2020 project that will establish a European forum of key R&D players in the fields of smart grids, energy storage and local energy systems.
Helping the transition to a zero-emissions society Climate change is driving a transition to a zero-emissions society. … Read more