
# 3 2021

High Temperature Heat Pumps as
a Way to Decarbonise Norwegian Industry

Many industries requiring both cooling and heating currently have separate systems for the tasks. Integrated high temperature heat pumps and thermal storage tanks for combined heating and cooling allow for much better energy efficiency. This results in a corresponding reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the industry. Read more
Lightbulb containing tree, on forest floor

This is how we reduce data centers’ carbon footprint

Do you think of crypto currencies and streaming services when you hear the word “data center”? You’re not alone. But they are so much more than that, video-meetings, autonomous vehicles, smart cities, online banking services and health journals are just a … Read more
This is how we reduce data centers’ carbon footprint

Endring i energilovens krav for utnyttelse av spillvarme

Nylig sendte Olje- og energi-departementet ut høringsbrev om endringer i energiloven. HighEFF ser dette forslaget til endring som et viktig steg på veien for norsk industri... Read more
Høringssvar: Endring i energilovens krav for utnyttelse av spillvarme

HighEFF Contacts:

Centre Manager: Petter Røkke
Editorial: Ingrid Camilla Claussen
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Petter E. Røkke, FME HighEFF Center Director

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