Status on Horizon Europe and Digital Europe
The first calls in Horizon Europe are just around the corner (see under relevant calls), after the adoption of the work programme in April. Even though there is officially no agreement in place yet for associated countries, there is a temporary agreement allowing parties from previously associated countries including Norwegian, to join applications. More details can be found in the according press release by the Research Council of Norway. For Digital Europe the second draft programme is currently under review. Calls expected with deadline in September and then in 2022.
Status on partnership on AI, data and robotics
Will provide support for the realization of radically new technologies, with potential to create new markets and/or to address global challenges. EIC Pathfinder Open supports early stage development of such future technologies (e.g. various activities at low Technology Readiness Levels 1-4), based on high-risk/high-gain science-towards-technology breakthrough research (including ‘deep-tech’). This research must provide the foundations of the technology you are envisioning.
The new AI Watch report aims to define the maturity of an illustrative set of AI technologies through the use of Technology Readiness Level (TRL) assessment.
This report investigates how algorithmic discrimination challenges the set of legal guarantees put in place in Europe to combat discrimination and ensure equal treatment. More specifically, it examines whether and how the current gender equality and non-discrimination legislative framework in place in the EU can adequately capture and redress algorithmic discrimination.
EUH4D Data Forum is as an annual event to be held within the framework of the EUH4D project. It is created with the aim of raising awareness, sharing results and recommendations, and receiving contributions on strategies and policies from the European Commission around data.
Explore the future of AI 2025 with 100+ lectures, workshops and group talks from Nordic and global experts throughout 2021.
Warm up for conference in October. Value creation and practical use of machine learning in industry.
AI+ is an international conference on the topic “applied artificial intelligence” with the purpose to an arena for competence sharing and interaction within the field of artificial intelligence, which will provide a solid foundation for succeeding with computer-driven economy and innovation. AI+ will gather problem keepers and problem solvers to drive forward the potential of AI across business, science and tech.
Data week is the spring gathering of the European Big Data and Data-Driven AU research and innovation Community. The event will highlight Horizon Europe and Digital Europe Programme funding possibilities and gives visibility to a large number of European initiatives and projects throughout the field.
The first Norwegian conference with strong focus on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) & Cloud
June 8-9, Virtual: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Cross-sectoral Innovation (RAIC)
RAIC is a cross-sectorial conference for the industry, public sector and research organizations/universities with four main focus areas: agri-food, manufacturing, inspection and maintenance and healthcare. The goal of the conference is to explore the trends and opportunities with robotics and AI in these market areas and start collaborating between sectors through hands-on innovation workshops. Website coming soon.
An intermediate to advanced level “summer” school with a focus on probabilistic machine learning. We cover topics such as probabilistic models, deep generative models, latent variable models, inference with sampling and variational approximations, probabilistic programming and tools, and much more.
INTAP'21 will address recent advancements in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence that has resulted in a number of emerging fields of research such as Robotics, Ambient Intelligence, Pervasive Intelligence, Web Intelligence, Bio-Inspired Intelligence, and many more.
During the last years we have seen the hype around Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. In this conference we will take it one step further showing how the industry has implemented the theory into technical solutions with emphasis on use cases and business value.
The main purpose of the NAINE network is to contribute to increased number of EU proposals within AI involving Norwegian institutions. NAINE is open for everyone in Norway interested in AI and national and European collaboration.
NAINE spans across academia and industry, research and application. In line with the European Commission, we use the expression AI in the broadest context covering machine learning, deep learning, hybrid analytics, learning based control systems, optimisation etc. At the moment, EU does not have an overarching programme for "everything AI". Instead, AI is covered by multiple initiatives in and alongside the EU framework, both in the running H2020, Horizon Europe, and the coming Digital Europe Programme for 2021. NAINE is monitoring selected calls and activities, forwarding information and coordinating hearings for calls together with the Research Council of Norway. In addition, we will organize two workshops yearly with information about relevant activities and calls as well as networking opportunities.
The core group in NAINE is:
Anne Marthine Rustad – SINTEF Digital
Signe Riemer-Sørensen – SINTEF Digital
Anders Løland – Norsk Regnesentral
Søren Kragholm – Universitetet i Agder
Jim Tørresen – Universitetet i Oslo
Ieva Martinkenaite - Telenor