Hello all,

As we race to save our planet from the potentially devastating impact of climate change, developing climate-friendly energy solutions has never been more important. The 200+ research scientists at SINTEF Energy Research are hard at work on a wide range of research projects to drive the efficient, flexible energy systems we need in Norway, Europe, and the wider world.

Enjoy this selection of recent stories from across the world of SINTEF Energy Research:

Digital drill core models: Characterising and storing samples from Svalbard

NCCS (Norwegian CCS Research Centre) facilitates scientific support for the injection and storage of CO2 into subsurface aquifers of the northern Horda Platform, Norwegian sector of the North Sea. Recently, Dr. Mark Mulrooney explained the primary research questions that NCCS addresses in its structural derisking work. … Read more
Research scientists working on Svalbard

Reducing The Risk Of Delayed RPT-Related Incidents From LNG Spills

Rapid Phase Transition (RPT) is an explosive event that can occur when LNG spills onto water. RPTs are not explosions in the common sense, i.e. there is no fire. Rather, these events are so-called vapor explosions caused by abrupt and simultaneous evaporation of a larger amount of LNG. The phenomenon occurred in … Read more
LNG Spill Scenario

How can the distribution grid be adapted to facilitate a large-scale electrification of the society?

Welcome to the conference on Future Electricity Distribution Grid R&D, hosted by the Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution (CINELDI). This year's main topic is How can the distribution grid be adapted to facilitate a large-scale electrification of the society? The Conference will be held on April 21st in Trondheim, Norway. … Read more
How can the distribution grid be adapted to facilitate a large-scale electrification of the society?

State Estimation in Partially-Known Power Networks

The necessary introduction of more distributed energy resources into the grid creates monitoring and control issues. The Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution (CINELDI) proposes a novel top-down approach to improve the simultaneous input and state estimation process. … Read more
Solar wind power grid

How Research Will Support Industry to Create a Sustainable European Gas Grid

Research has a critical role to play if we are to make the EU gas grid sustainable from a 2030-2050 perspective. But how can the knowledge and expertise in the research community best be leveraged to support industry in taking the journey there? … Read more
European energy map from space

EERA DeepWind’2020: The future is offshore

The EERA DeepWind‘2020 Research and Innovation Conference was a success with a full house with researchers and industry interacting in an exciting atmosphere. … Read more
EERA DeepWind’2020: The future is offshore

Introducing PANTERA: A Pan-European Technology Energy Research Approach

Helping the transition to a zero-emissions society Climate change is driving a transition to a zero-emissions society. A growing proportion of our energy is supplied from … Read more
Renewable smart energy system solar and wind

First Industrial Heat Pump Drier Operating at 150°C

Previously, excess heat from industrial processes such as drying can't normally be utilized further since the temperature level is too low. A new high temperature heat pump aims to recover this energy to reduce energy demand in industrial settings and lower carbon emissions. The project has started its demonstration phase … Read more
Industrial heat pump at the Wienerberger plant

Wood stoves and wood-burning – how to ensure “hygge”, heating comfort and eco-friendliness

Most people can relate to wood stoves and wood-burning, and many enjoy lighting their stoves or warming themselves by the fireplace after a skiing trip. Many people think they know exactly how to light their stove or wood fire. But how … Read more
Wood stoves and wood-burning – how to ensure “hygge”, heating comfort and eco-friendliness

The future grid and charging infrastructure for electric transport – FuChar is working on it!

FuChar is a recently-started research project aimed at developing methods and tools for the optimal integration of charging infrastructure into the electrical distribution grid. The goal is to minimise investment and operating costs associated with the integration of electric transport into the electrical grid. This will ensure that the transition to an all-electric transport sector is achieved in a user-friendly … Read more
The future grid and charging infrastructure for electric transport – FuChar is working on it!

Offshore Wind: An Ocean of Opportunities

Humanity faces a huge challenge in combating climate change. The EU funded SETWind project has a vision of creating an ambitious pan-European effort in offshore wind energy research that will contribute to achieving the targets set in the Paris Agreement. Fostering international collaboration in offshore wind energy is not only crucial to reach the ambitious goals, but also makes economic … Read more
Offshore Wind: An Ocean of Opportunities

ELEGANCY – progress meeting in London

ELEGANCY is an ACT (Accelerating CCS Technologies) research project aiming to provide knowledge in the form of data, models and case studies on how Europe's energy system can be decarbonized via CCS and hydrogen. …
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Imperial College London

H2/CCS chains in Germany – Social Perception and Acceptance

While in general, the energy transition is accepted to a high degree by people living in Germany, acceptance is declining when it comes to its concrete implementation. External (large-scale) technologies are rejected … Read more
CO2 capture, transport and sequestration.

Oxidative degradation in CO2 capture and NCCS mobility fund

Doing a PhD in the Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS) has a lot of perks, among them the opportunities to collaborate and communicate with a lot of research institutions and industry partners nationally and internationally. … Read more
Oxidative degradation in CO2 capture and NCCS mobility fund

Finding Smart Grid driving forces and how they affect Smart Grid development

To integrate an increasing amount of distributed electricity generation from renewable sources, electrification of transport and more efficient power and energy use, we must digitalise and modernise the electricity distribution grid. In the Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution (CINELDI), our main objective is to provide knowledge and guidelines … Read more
Finding Smart Grid driving forces and how they affect Smart Grid development

CO2 impurities: What else is there in CO2 except CO2?

In the IMPACTS project we study the impact of impurities in captured CO2 on transport and storage. Questions we would like to answer are like these: what is the relation between the quality (level of impurities) of CO2 and the cost of safe transport and storage? Suppose we save some money and capture less pure CO2 (if there is such … Read more
Pipeline. Photo: shutterstock

Fault and fracture stability: A caprock integrity analysis and NCCS mobility program

NCCS (Norwegian CCS Research Centre) envisages injection and storage of CO2 into subsurface aquifers of the northern Horda Platform which is situated in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea … Read more
Fault and fracture stability: A caprock integrity analysis and NCCS mobility program.

Utilization of Municipal Solid Waste to Achieve Negative CO2 Emissions

While calcium looping (CaL) technology is commonly discussed for conventional power or cement plants, its application in the Waste-to-Energy (WtE) sector is rarely considered. Conventional use of the CaL process The calcium looping (CaL) process represents one option for post-combustion CO2 capture from conventional power … Read more
Utilization of Municipal Solid Waste to Achieve Negative CO2 Emissions

Consumet: Constructor of surrogate models and metamodels

Consumet is a program which allows the fitting of reduced order models/surrogate models/meta models. But what exactly are these surrogate models, what are their applications, and how can Consumet be useful for your own research? In a first step, let us talk a bit about modelling in general ...Read more
Consumet: Constructor of surrogate models and metamodels
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