The main purpose of the NAINE network is to contribute to increased number of EU proposals within AI involving Norwegian institutions. This newsletter features a webinar on how to get started on industrial AI research with funding from EU.
NAINE is open for everyone in Norway interested in AI and national and European collaboration.
NAINE Event Invivation
Wednesday December 2nd 9-10h NAINE will host a webinar on how to get started with industrial AI research supported by EU funding. We will present some of the various AI-funding schemes and hear from a couple of Norwegian companies about their experiences from EU research projects. The examples covers both small and large companies, and different phases of the projects from idea to actual collaboration.
- EUs support schemes in research and innovation for businesses – Till Lech (SINTEF)
- "Participation in EU projects -how to get started?" – Harald Volden (Mimiro)
- "AI4EU – Development of European AI-platform and ecosystem" – Sigmund Akselsen (Telenor)
- "Acces to international AI-expertise through the EU-project Cognitwin" – Are Dyrøy (Hydro)"
New XAI Community
XAI (eXplainable Artificial Intelligence) is a young field expected to receive much attention in the following years. Several Norwegian institutions are investing in XAI research as both private and public organizations are becoming aware of the need for explanation methods. In October, a group of XAI (eXplainable AI) researchers started an initiative to establish an XAI community in Norway - without institutional borders - for active researchers in the field.
Useful links and tips
Upcoming events
Feel free to contact us with events to be included in the next newsletter.
The core group in NAINE is:
Anne Marthine Rustad – SINTEF Digital
Signe Riemer-Sørensen – SINTEF Digital
Anders Løland – Norsk Regnesentral
Søren Kragholm – Universitetet i Agder
Jim Tørresen – Universitetet i Oslo
Ieva Martinkenaite - Telenor